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Apr 2024

I'm fine writing in Novel style, and I also enjoy writing in script style. But both have their upsides and downsides. With Novel, I can't necessarily move with the same amount of freedom when it comes to describing the actions/lines of an individual character (for me at least). On the other hand, Script just takes too long to write one sequence/scene. So I decided to combine the best of both worlds and BAM! I got my unique style. What about you guys?

  • created

    Apr '24
  • last reply

    Apr '24
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My style was developed because of my love for poetry. I've been told my prose sounded like poetry, or blurred the lines between it, both as a compliment (when I won the Turnill) and as a (not ill intentioned) critique. I'm obsessed with euphony, so my narration is all about painting word pictures, and using language in a way that can make people feel the strength of whatever emotion is taking place, similarly to how you write a poem.

This wasn't an intentional choice but just how it came to me naturally when I sat down to write my short stories and novels, and it will probably continue to be a consistency of my style throughout all my novels. Poetry has even made it's way into my first comic (not released yet) which is literally narrated with poetry.

The endless hum of over-bright. LED. electric lights. sings in my ears like a chorus of skittish cicadas, fanning their wings, as if they’re desperate to escape. I can’t blame them. Trembling like a miniature earthquake. My body tries to make sense of this cataclysm that’s left my world seeing stars.

My head spins again, turning bodies topsy turvy. Smearing faces into the paint. Baptized with blood in the white space. I’m not even sure when I woke up or how long I’ve spent lying here, staring at the walls or the ceiling. My senses are all scrambled. Am I facing the left or the right? Am I hearing or feeling the voices crashing around me, a barrage of nervous wrecks? I swim in the excruciating sensation, almost blacking out. I feel as though I'm hanging from the rafters by my hair, and the pressure in my neck only increases with every crash of my heartbeat. My mouth defies me as I try to call for a nurse - my jaw is locked tight as if it’s been screwed shut and it's stubbornly set on staying that way for the moment. The whole thing fills. With bitter bile. I can’t swallow. And I try desperately not to drown before somebody finds me.

Poetry incorporated with Novel is actually impressive! Having the ability to incorporate two complex styles (to me, they both look a little difficult) is really amazing :tapa_pop:

xd, writing poetry actually isn't Shakespeare. it's literally like "hey this thing is like this thing, you know what they both are? pretty." or painful, or sad, or ugly (insert emotion or adjective)

Personally, I never got the hang of poetry as my brain said "Nah. Me no no wanna."

XDDDD, well it's not for everyone, it's just my go to

It just developed over time.

I hate reading my first story because I clearly hadn't found my style yet and I want to rewrite it all. Even my breakthrough novel starting in 2021 is a little rocky in the beginning - some readers said you can tell it has changed around half way. You just get these little habits and certain sentences arrangements over the months and years.

I think one of the comments I remember the most from a reader was "I can tell if a story is from Bread" and "a Bread classic."

i always had a passion for writing so, i spent time everyday after i come from school perfecting grammar, reading shakespear and other good writer, learning from ai and also adapting ,y style to fit modern times, i took a lot of work, but ive developed my style as a result