7 / 7
Mar 11

how would you have gone about it if you'd been in charge of the remake? and you didn't have to worry about a budget?
visual wise, i would've kept it animated. but if it had to be live action, i'd like it in the vein of the ms marvel show (gonna include a link to the trailer to give you a good idea). more of a blend of the two mediums. i don't actually mind the casual outfits too much, but i think i would try to make them look more...natural than some of them came off. so far as THE outfit goes, i could see each girl personalizing it whilst still clearly identifying them as a powerpuff girl.
story wise, i can see two of the girls giving up crime-fighting simply because they outgrew it the way you might outgrow a childhood hobby. maybe it's something the family looks back upon with nostalgia as they move onto the next phase of their life whilst the one girl (i'm thinking blossom) kinda clings onto it. i'd aim for some angst but would like it to be mostly lighthearted with some really kickass action scenes. i'd keep mojo jojo a monkey​:sob::sob::sob:, and he wouldn't be dead. he'd be in jail and seemingly the cause of the spike in crime in townsville before it's actually revealed that he's merely a pawn of Him.
what about you? what would you have done if you were in charge of powerpuff​:thinking::thinking::thinking:?

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I hate all the modern live action adaptations of animated characters right off the bat - so I would have nixed the projects to begin with. In my book live action is always inferior to animation. There were no redeeming traits based on the trailer!

If I was to make a "for adults only" Powerpuffs all grown up series, I'd put them as college age students who still retain the naivete and positive attitudes of the original Powerpuffs. I'd have them go up against dysfunctional versions of other CN superhero properties, dealing with the millennial-generation issue where every major institution is a thoroughly corrupt and/or incompetent version of itself. Think one of those bad future Justice League settings.

The Powerpuff girls would use their boundless optimism and ultra-super-powers to fight the forces of depression and the evil in the hearts of everyone, including their own villain roster - a certain monkey super genius might be advising the president, for instance.

I'd probably do a crossover with Totally Spies, Ben 10, or even Uncle Grandpa. Real nostalgia trip stuff. We'd definitely do a Powerpuff Girls Z episode. But no matter what, the girls would be positive and wholesome even if the world around them is crappy and terrible, which was a core element of the original show.

And if course we would have the OG voice actresses involved, with Craig McCracken and Lauren Faust in executive positions!

honestly, i like to think with the right people, we could have more pleasant live action adaptations of things. it's just that a lot of people seem to go into these projects with the idea that live action is inherently better than animation, and that just :rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes: always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
and i am loving your interpretation! the college setting, that transition to adult life and all the struggles that come with that, it'd be a nice way to retread the original series but with a fresh spin. and lol, that would be such a great contrast, seeing the girls be so perky and cheerful whilst combating corrupted superheroes. maybe even a tongue in cheek episode where one of the girls gets corrupted, and it's literally how they would've been if powerpuff had been greenlit​:skull_crossbones::skull_crossbones::skull_crossbones:️.
mojo advising the president, now that's an avengers level threat🤣🤣🤣.
i am always up for new ben 10 media and of course bringing back the og voices and creators. on the plus side, i did hear there's supposed to be a new ppg show in the making. hopefully, that turns out better than powerpuff did​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:.

I'd let a sleeping dog lie and make something new.

If I was forced to make a Powerpuff Girl Live Action show, I would probably do something similar to PPGZ where they aged up the characters to teenagers. I would have them in high school and have plots centered around high school drama and such. Maybe there will be a rival school that the villains attend/work at.

Blossom would be nerdy and involved in a lot of clubs
Buttercup would be sort of a skater girl and plays a lot of video games.
Bubble would be into anime and maybe in theater.

All three of them would be in a sport, like volleyball.

i like the idea of the rival school for the villains! that'd make for some good conflict say if blossom and princess are on opposing basketball and/or debate teams.
definitely can see buttercap being a gamer and getting involved in skating culture. and i love that characterization for bubbles, she would 100% be a theater kid and read manga when she's not practicing her lines.