67 / 241
Dec 2015

Italy / Milan

btw there was a thread time ago where u could point yourself on the Gmaps... was very cool.

I go to ACen (when I can), CAKE!, Anime Midwest and ConAltDelete. And even SoyCon sometimes. I and some other Tapastic people are making arrangements to attend Anime Midwest together next year, and a few of us will likely be meeting up again at CAKE! like we did last year smile .
What's Wizardworld and C2E2 like? I haven't attended those cons before. I've actually grown to like smaller cons like ConAltDelete just because it's more personable and isn't stifled by so many rules and crowds.

🎶 At the Hotel Californiaaaaaaaaaa! such a lovely place, such a lovely face 🎶 ... ahem.. california, I live in california USA...

Right here, mate. Although, did you mean Australian as in Australian citizen or Australian as in the "Pauline Hanson" definition?

Cool, never been near the capital, but I love Brazil and have been all over the country.

I go there sometimes (my aunt lives there), for me is the most organized city in the country, and there's a lot of buildings with unique architecture.

From Indonesia, currently living in Malaysia.. smile

im from indonesia, not so much people appreciate arts in this country.

18 days later

Narnia. No, seriously though, Greece and Serbia. 8'D Homes of too much food and magnificent Balkanian mentality.

2 months later

Califronia, USA. Home of the Disneyland, Surfer accents, and Firefly was shot here! My god do I love Firefly.