7 / 15
Aug 2020

Hi comic artists and novelist. I have a question for you..

How long does it take for you to reach 100 subscribers or likes for your work? or How many subscribers you get after the first two week of publishing your work?
If you still haven't get 100 subs yet, drop your work here and let's grow together.
I want to ask that because i am really curious how long it takes for people to get that amount of subscriber. I need 3 months, total 20 episodes to get that :rolling_eyes:

  • created

    Aug '20
  • last reply

    Aug '20
  • 14


  • 636


  • 15


  • 14


  • 4


Depends on the quality of your work and how often you update it. You won't reach 100 subs very soon though. (Wait I didn't read the full post, congrats on 100 subs)

It's different for everyone! Not everybody's comic is their first, so when they post a new one anyone subscribed to their current content will see. Some people bring in readers from other social media. Some aren't aware the forums exist! Not everyone starts absolutely fresh with nowhere to market their stuff, and no two stories are exactly the same.

I think trying to have an expectation for how long this "should" take is a set-up for disappointment.

I'm a month here and got 10 subscribers. That they are not any more is maybe also because my comic is not "mainstream" and may not meet the taste of the majority. And in addition all episodes are 18+, which reduces the number of readers once again.

A month and 10 days later and I have 80 subscribers....
Out of that a handful read and comment on a daily basis
Also I've been promoting my work everywhere so that helps?

It definitely depends on the genre, whether the artist is new, and how often they update. I uploaded my first novel on July 22, and I got 100 subs exactly a month later.

It really helps to promote it here when you can and communicate with your subs :slight_smile:

I've been posting for a month and only got 3 subs, until a few days ago when I reached 10 subs. I think the main reason for this because most of my chapters have an average of 2000-2500 words :sweat_smile: I ended up splitting my chapters and re-uploading them, which really helped.

I think it took me about 3 months to hit a hundred. It varies by things like genre, style, quality and how much you update.

I started uploading August 1, and I posted daily for a week or so before transitioning to twice a week. Ive got 97 subscribers, so with any luck I’ll hit 100 today or tomorrow. It really helped me to peddle my novel like crazy—especially during the first week or two. Then I got a Staff Picked last week and have gotten a huge uptick in subscribers. I think part of it was work, but a large part of it was luck. For reference, my book is fantasy/humor, but I don’t know if that genre/sub-genre help me or not. It’s also my third draft of writing this book (but first on Tapas), so the story itself is a lot more polished than most first drafts.

I got 100 subscribers in about 2 weeks for my novel. I posted part 1 on August 11th. I post daily or every other day. I'm now at 123 subscribers and I have a goal of 250 subscribers within 3 months :heart:

I've posted my link around the forums but I think most of my growth has been through being seen on the fresh and trending tabs

If I include the promo trailer I put up, I'm almost 3 months in with 54 subs. I wasn't expecting a giant following or super fast growth though since dark fantasy is a bit niche.

I started on August 4th with my novel, and so far was fortunate enough to reach 75 subs and 370 likes, which makes me wanna dance. I am super-happy that people read and enjoy my story! It’s been so wonderful. Dunno if I ever get to 100, but people read my story!!!

For me it took over 2 years on my black and white page format graphic novel-esque fantasy story.

And it only took 1 month for my full color phone format scroll fantasy comic. And it was only because of this comic that I ever passed 100 viewers for the black and white page format graphic novel-esque fantasy comic.

So...getting that phone audience is a huge chunk of audience. Also landing on front page helped a ton.