1. How long have you been making a webcomic?
Grassblades5 went live in early March, 2015. So 10 months. I have been posting stuff on the internet before that, and it's not my first webcomic - but my first webcomic was terrible, and we shall not speak its name.
2. How long did it take for your webcomic to start seeing a huge spike in your viewership or subscribers?
I don't know how Grassblades compares to other people's experiences, but I've been on a kind of steady rise since I started posting, gaining subscribers with nearly every update. Sometimes in ones and twos, sometimes in tens. There hasn't really been any sharp upturns on that curve - it's just been sloping upwards. My biggest spike in terms of views/subscribers didn't come until December 2015, when I participated in the Tapastic Winter Fest. It is the single episode of my comic that has the most views by an order of magnitude.
Taken together, counting the "regular" subscribers earlier in the month, and including the people who found me through the Winter Fest, December saw me gain 700+ subscribers over the course of the entire month. It was nuts. I was at c:a 1700 subscribers before December, and I'm at c:a 2400 now.
I have never been featured in the front page spotlight banner, but my comic has made a couple of appearances in the Popular/Trending categories (which are determined by number of views+comments within a given space of time, I think?)
3. What would you do differently knowing what you know now if you're given a chance to restart?
Not much. The only thing I can think of is to maybe group the first five-six pages of my comic together in a single episode here on Tapastic, and then move on to posting single-page updates. As it is, I went single-page from the start. Having multiple pages in the first episode would give readers a good chunk of story as a first introduction.
It's not so much of an issue that I'll go back and fix it, though.
4. Rank the importance of the following in order for a successful webcomic (a)story (b) art (c) genre (d) word of mouth (e) advertising online (f) posting on multiple social media (g) mirroring your comic on different sites (h) webcomic forum engagement
Oh wow, this is a tricky one! This isn't really an exact science, so I'll just do my best here. My list looks like this:
Story and art
Engagement with readers
Word of mouth/Social media presence
Mirroring on different sites.
They're ranked that way because no matter HOW much you tell people about your comic, or advertise, or engage your readers - it's not going to matter if the story and art don't appeal to people. Emphasis on story, here. XKCD does super-basic stick figures, but is successful anyway because the story they tell appeals to people. Word of mouth and advertising is important, but if people check out your comic and don't like it, well, all the advertising in the world won't help.
I've had the most success finding readers either through the Tapastic forums, or by participating in the #ComicTalk hashtag on Twitter - and by participating in community-events, like the Winter Fest.
5. What is the ratio of time spend between your art/writing and administration work(like updating site, advertising, forum engagements, fan engagement,etc)
This one is hard for me to estimate, as I work from home and hang around the forums far too much. I would say that I spend more time writing/drawing the comic than I do the admin-side. Not sure about the exact ratio, but drawing a comic is time-consuming.
6. Do you think webcomic is a physical career? Why?
Not sure what you mean by physical career? Do you mean like, something I can make a living off of?
I can't make a living off Grassblades - but I do have some super-generous Patreon-backers3, so I am making some money off of it. And I am, of course, signed up for the Ad Revenue program here on Tapastic. All in all, I make under 100 USD a month on my webcomic. Which isn't bad! 100 USD a month is a respectable sum! But it's definitely not a living wage.
It's possible that in the future, I could make a living off of it, but I'm not getting my hopes up. It's a long way to go, and there are no guarantees. I'm happy for whatever I manage to achieve, and am doing my best to make a living as an illustrator.
7. Name one successful webcomic that you know of.
Off the top of my head - Dresden Codak, by Aaron Diaz. Vattu (and various others) by Evan Dahm, and Mare Internum by Der-shing Helmer. They're all old hands as webcomic artists - with 10+ years behind them - and have built up a massive following over the years, and while I can't put exact numbers on it, I know that they are running fairly successful Patreon-campaigns to support themselves. Diaz, I know, makes enough money to support himself and (I believe), hire an assistant to handle the administrative business. As for Dahm and Helmer, I don't know to what extent they can survive solely on Patreon-earnings, but they do make up a healthy chunk of their income that way.
8. Can you think of one reason for question (7) as to why they are successful?
As stated above, they've been at this for a long time. Evan Dahm's Rice Boy started posting in 2006, and he has been putting out comics consistently ever since. Dresden Codak has been going in various incarnations since 2005. It takes time to build an audience - especially one willing to support you financially - and it takes a lot of hard work.
9. Do you intend to bring your webcomic to print form? Why?
Yes. I intend to collect chapters 1-3 in a single volume, and print them to sell at conventions in 2016. As for why...? Well, I grew up reading comics in a physical format. I like flipping through the pages. I like having comics on my bookshelves. It feels more real. So Grassblades has always been drawn with printing in mind.
10. Follow-up question to (9) If you already have your work in print form, please share your business model.
Grassblades isn't printed yet, but I have printed other comics before, and my business model is fairly simple. I work with a local printer (which means the cost of shipping is less, and I don't have to pay toll fees, like I would if I printed with, say, Ka-Blam), and I do small print-runs, 50 copies at most. This keeps the cost per printing down, so it's not a huge investment each time I do a run. With Grassblades, I might consider dropping down to 25 copies, as printing full colour is super-expensive.
I haven't tried my hand at Kickstarter, because I wouldn't know where to start. D: It's scary!
11. Do you think a comic convention is important to a webcomic creator? Why?
Yes, I'd say so. They're not vital - you can make do without them - but they're a good opportunity to meet readers, and reach out to people who don't already read your comic. It's also a great opportunity to meet other creators in person and make some friends.
12. Name a webcomic creator who has a successful presence in comic conventions that you know of.
I've only been to Swedish cons myself, but I usually do alright, and I have friends who consistently sell out of their stock. Can't speak for creators in other countries.
13. Follow-up question to (12) What did the creator do in the convention? (ex, sell prints, books, other special stuff worth nothing?)
Things that sell well differ between cons. I'll rank them in order of popularity.
At small-press cons (i.e: cons focused on self-published/small press comics):
Comics (obviously)
Prints (postcard size to best, but other sizes work too)
Package deals ("Buy the comic, get all of these extra things as well!")
At bigger, non-comic centric cons (anime cons, game cons, etc.):
Bookmarks/keychains/small trinkets