1 / 475
Jul 2018

CURRENT ROSTER (Will be updated as more join):

Contestants: Masked Puppers 1 & 2, Yvonne, Snapdragon, Flare, Selena (Aqua03) Red and Ritter (Loch_U) Ivolice (KoreanTacos) Erena (Ghostiblu) Marius and MB (mariusthered) Anton (dawgofdawgness) Refn Vuilestront (octafg64) Morphine (AdrenalineShots) Flare, Shade (Chita) Trip Freeman, Walter Vance (Galactic Potato) 402 (Zaboem)

Announcers: Friendly Sheep (Friendly_Sheep) Zephyr (Aqua03) Xenor (Ghostieblu) Mr Cozomo (mariusthered) Shiva, Isis (Zaboem)

Refs: Hungry Wolf (Friendly_Sheep) Scott (KoreanTacos) Renee (dawgofdawgness) Steve The Avocado From Space (Aqua03)



Fighters: Masked Puppers 1 & 2 (Aqua03) VS. Ivolice Bartlett (KoreanTacos)

Announcers: Xenor (GhostiBlu) Friendly Sheep (Friendly_Sheep)

Ref: Renee (dawgofdawgness)

I think it would be a fun creative exercise to start a webcomic "fight club" of sorts in which we share our comic's characters along with their strengths, weaknesses, and abilities before challenging other creator's characters to a duel to see who'd win. Maybe with a brief drawing or write-up showing the fight.

What do you guys think? Please let me know, especially if you have any characters you'd think would make for and interesting fight. :slight_smile:

He's my first (two) characters to throw do the gauntlet (Or squeak toy).

Sparky and Charlie as Masked Puppers 1 & 2


-Skilled Tennis Champion
-PHD in Paleontology
-Really Floppy Ears
-Great Vertical Jump
-Above Average Tactician

-Really Fast Runner
-Scarily Intelligent
-Cute Face

-Above Average Speed, Agility, and Durability (Especially in their Masked Pupper Outfits)
-Martial Arts Skills (Learned from Tokusatsu shows like Kamen Rider and Power Rangers)
-Excellent Teamwork Skills
-Super Special Double Dive Kick Finisher Attack
-Arsenal of Vehicles like Pooch Machine 1 (Frilly Pink Tricycle) and Pooch Machine 2 (One of those pink mini Volkswagen Beetles kids like to ride around in.)
-A really cool victory pose and catchy 1970's style theme song.
-Connections with the other Masked Puppers and some of their weapons (E.I. Masked Pupper Stronger's electric gloves and V3's Gliding Muffler)

-Still dogs with not that much special about them.
-Charlie can get distracted easily.
-Sparky gets distracted if there's food nearby.
-Pooch 2 can run out of batteries.
-Try as he might, Sparky still can't stick the landing on his great vertical jump no matter how hard he tries.

So what do you guys think? And also, who wants to be the first to challenge me? :slight_smile:

  • created

    Jul '18
  • last reply

    Jan '19
  • 474


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There are 474 replies with an estimated read time of 54 minutes.

I have novella characters who would make lousy combatants but fun managers.

That could work, but let's see how this thing starts out before we get too complicated. :slight_smile:

Dude, you just broke the first rule. You never talk about Fight Club.

Ok, jokes aside, I hope this turns out well and you manage to make the webcomic.

Thanks. This would've been less of a webcomic and more of a fun experiment between creators kind of like that character fight @TheNiceZombie did a few days ago.

You know it doesn't have to be this big background but like a map so i don't get lost in the action. That and we're gonna need some cover.

I was thinking that the arena for Fight 1 (Masked Puppers 1 & 2 VS. IDK) would be a simple football stadium-esque area like this one.

Think that'll work?

Hey if you want I can host the webcomic on my page. I can make the cover page look like a poster with an Ad for the fight club and I can put together the fight cards for the challengers. I'd brand it a bit based on my business avatar, the friendly sheep like if the place had a sponsor but The focus would be on the fights and the fighters. Let me know! I think an ad for this might get more people interested :stuck_out_tongue:

Sweet. I was at least thinking of starting out small to see if it will work out before doing anything super big, but I probably wouldn't mind getting the word out a bit. :slight_smile:

I see my influence :blush:
Can't participate but I will keep tabs and see how this goes ~
But so if I understand this correctly, in here everyone can challange anyone as opposed to everyone vs your dudes. Yes?

Yeah, everyone can challenge anyone in combat. (Got the idea from the webshow Death Battle, but with hopefully less death.)

Hey. I'd be up for quick 1-2 page fights. Got two combatants one the ready for when this thing starts :wink:

This is what I had in mind. Took the morning to throw this together.

The fight cards would have an overall visual aesthetic similar to the poster. I was thinking since you're allowing referees and announcers that we could make also make them guest characters from other series. The layout of the comic would have to accommodate fighting and announcements but It's definitely doable. Whoever is working on the series can find characters from different creators to fill those roles.

Well, if it's ever gonna happen, this seems like the best idea put fourth. Lemme know what you think!