There is no rule on seasons -- You may pitch a longer story, with the understanding that if it is accepted, the program only covers the first season (unless you're really really fast at drawing and can create multiple seasons over the span of several months!)
Once the program is complete, if your comic proves popular, we would revisit the agreement or draft an entirely new one with you for the next season(s).
P.S. sorry for missing your question!
I'm not Tapas staff by any means but this is a specific program which will only apply to and benefit a select amount of creators. Not everybody has to be involved somehow. You should absolutely keep working on your art in your own time and write your own content in the meantime ! and then by the next time this program rolls around you might be better suited to apply and get involved - they might even have positions for independent writers
One point of confusion I have: In some places, you mention developing properties in collaboration with Tapas staff, leading to a shared ownership. In another place, you invite creators to submit pitches for new projects. If a creator develops their own property and pitches it successfully, will that creator still be expected to share ownership? Will there be an option for creators who create independently to participate with a property fully owned by them?
Hi Masterman,
We understand that a lot of work goes into making a story pitch into an actual, cohesive story. That's why we're providing the finances and editorial feedback throughout to help you do this, in a team effort, and also why we request shared ownership. We understand that this program may not be right for everyone, but we are not just looking to fund a project. We're looking to work together during the process.
However, if you've already created and completed a property independently (or if you create one in the future), you are free to pitch this story separately to us to sell on Premium.
Internet desktop users continue to decline, with no sign of that trend changing. Mobile is the future as tablets become faster, better, and less expensive. Tapas has the foresight to see this, which is why its putting far more eggs into its mobile basket than its desktop basket. Creators should not ignore the mobile experience. That said, if you are going to be doing print like us, then you have to choose either the mobile or the print format because doing both can become very resource intensive.

July 2017
I do print and sell mine. I work 80+ hours a week via two jobs, and do commissions to pay my bills. I have to find time to do my weekly comic pages (and I do have a buffer). However I do not have time to make 2 versions of the comic.
I perfectly understand their reasons, I am not ignorant to the fact that desktop is dying. However it is still upsetting to be excluded from even the CHANCE it could succeed. There are plenty of great series here on Tapas that are print format pages (that I feel deserve to be paid) and it sucks to hear they will be excluded from the program.
Tapas made it pretty clear they are not looking for series that are already running. If you get help and financial means to work alongside tapas on a new project, and they put forth the requirement that it has to fit the format that will be the most likely to create financial success both for you and them, then I don't see how that is a problem.
If you absolutely do not want to make mobile friendly formatted comic, then the same applies to you as those who don't want to enter a co-ownership contract. Don't apply.
As for "deserving to be paid", don't take this as an insult because it's not one it's just a reality call: you are not entitled payment from tapas until you enter an agreement with them.
It's a bit like someone is looking for someone to co-own a small burger restaurant with someone, and you apply for the position - but you refuse to cook or serve anything but sushi. The person in question says "okay, I'm not interested then" and you respond "but there are tons of good sushi chefs that deserve to be paid!!". Yes, you and many others might be very skilled at making sushi, but then you should go apply to co-own a sushi restaurant or work at one. You see how it's all the restaurant business, but the specific "medium" matters?
Similarily, if you absolutely do not want to make mobile friendly comics, but you want to enter an agreement with a publisher, then you should get busy trying to get a contract with a traditional print publisher. If you want an agreement with a digital one, then it's not "ridiculous" for that company to expect the project to be suited for the way the digital medium is going.