146 / 238
Aug 2017

Holy crap, I actually live in the Bay Area already, so if I get accepted, I'll get to meet so many other amazing artists > w <

  1. What kind of editorial resources will be provided, and to what extent?

  2. For original stories, how developed does the story pitch have to be at the time of applying? Does the 3-6 months account for the plotting/planning stage or should you have most of the story planned out and prepared in advance?

  1. Assuming that an artist wants to create an original series (not novel-to-comic) but has a weakness in writing, what kind of role would the Tapas staff play in developing a new story together? Proof-reading/feedback/critique on what you already have as an editor? Or would they offer creative input and be available for joint brainstorming as another writer?

@Hyakupasaurus: 18 or older


  1. This is mostly editorial feedback in terms of art, storyline, dialogue, pacing, etc.

  2. You should have a general idea of where you want to go with the first season, at least. The more clear and cohesive the idea, the better. If you submit with a general idea and great art, we may ask for more details and how far along you are with the idea before making a decision.

3-6 months is meant to cover the entire production, and people plan/plot/produce at different paces, so that's something we would talk about during contract negotiations.

  1. This is kind of the same answer to 1: proof-reading, feedback, critique, and some creative input. Essentially, we are happy to help brainstorm ideas if you are stuck in a particular place, but won't be able to write the entire thing haha

I am definitely interested in this. However, when would the program be expected to start, just to set a gauge on when to start the uproot? And how many creators are you intending to recruit?

I would love to join! hopefully I can pass my ideas and work before the deadline....too much to do at work, but i'll definitely try my best to pass one.

I emailed in my submission about a week and a half ago. When should I expect a response?

Yes i would like to know this as well, i am from jamaica and it would be difficult for me to move.


This depends on a number of factors including contract negotiation + creator availability + logistics. Ideally, the program would start end of September or early October for most people, but we are flexible. Uprooting is also not necessary if you are unable to. Regarding number of creators, we'd rather not commit to a concrete number, but we're looking at between ~3-5 to start.

@pattywakos: Yes! Make sure to include all relevant info.

@insanepotatochild: There's always a chance!

@isaacfriedman: We are waiting for the submission deadline to hit before judging and sending results. Please be patient!

@corymills27: Remote work is an option.

I'm currently working on a webcomic on tapastic. what layout would you prefer for me to send? My comic in a pdf file, a link to the comic or just the artwork?

Oh, sorry, didn't mean to sound impatient, I was just curious since I'd gotten an auto-response email saying I'd get a reply in a week. Though I knew this was a different case so the timeline would be a bit different. Also, I'm kinda worried that in my email I implied that I would be unavailable during the ideal timeframe, and I was wondering what the best way to clear that up would be. I'll be done with my current job in December, but I'm afraid I may have implied I'd be unavailable for even longer than that.

Oh yes, the auto-response was meant for normal submissions and was never de-activated until a while into the incubator submissions. Sorry about that! Whether or not a creator is available in our preferred time frame, we'll try to be flexible if their work is strong!

So to clarify, the Incubator is for premium authors? I'm just not wanting to misunderstand.

The incubator is for comic creators/writer + comic duos, not necessarily already publishing on Tapas.

The novels chosen to adapt into comics are chosen only from our pool of premium authors by Tapas staff.