14 / 47
Mar 2022

real life does like to get in the way... Hope you can work it out to get a regular schedule.
i guess getting featured would be nice, but i have no plans of that ever happening. my comic is too unpalatable for both platforms, and i have no minority claim, so i can't slot into those promos, so im sure itll just never happen. It's probably a good mindset to have anyway, don't expect a random event to help you promote. =/

It's the fresh category for comics and novels, i don't think they ever removed it?

For me i just keep losing subs everytime i post on webtoons haha :'D bc they promoted me last year in some event i got like 2k subs in one week, but after that i don't actually gain new readers whenever i upload, i just lose them :stuck_out_tongue: on tapas i have fewer subs but i at least gain them regularly (even if it's only like 1-2 per week). Yes, i know you should promote on social media, but I'm too old to do that properly :confounded:

Congrats, dude!

I guess the experience depends on the type of story you're telling. Once upon a time I got into a bunch of banner swap promos on there that led to my comic getting featured, it was on there for a couple weeks or so, gaining over 5k followers before it ended. In that time my 9 star rating tanked to 3 thanks to a slew of downvotes, the comment section of my comic got overrun by rabid kids ignoring the story and wanting my MCs to make-out, totally messing with the experiences of my long-time readers. Once the promo was over I hemorrhaged subs every update, like I lost at least 600 every week. Around that time someone also reported my comic, and this was before Webtoons had clear rules on non-sexual mature content, I tried to contact the staff about it which got no response. With that being the last straw I deleted my comic, and account, then made a new one and reposted my comic with age warnings and passive-aggressive censors. I just wanted to start over, get rid of all those obnoxious kids and deter anyone who didn't like dark character dramas.
Not too long after Webtoons changed their rules on mature content, making my comic pretty much "illegal", so I don't try to give that mirror too much attention.

Needless to say I'm not a huge fan of the site. The general readerbase there is much younger, their censorship rules are kind of a mess and the readers have way too much control. (It sucks that some rando can totally ruin your rating with one negative vote, and that they can comment whatever while you have to jump through hoops to just delete said comments.) At least the general readerbase here is older, and while my comic isn't allowed on the app, at least I don't have to worry about it getting deleted. Even though the staff don't like my work, they at least let me know (a few years ago.) that it didn't break their rules. It sucks that my comic doesn't get new readers like it used to before the Apple ban, but it's the lesser of the two evils.

Yep, I've been struggling to grow on Tapas. The algorithm just doesn't pick me up yet. And it seems like I bring more readers from Webtoon to Tapas than Tapas giving me new subs xD

Because whenever I get promoted on Webtoon and people see some censorship on my panels, they assume I'd reveal more on Tapas (I do not and there's no incentive for me to do that). And the monetization system is currently much better on Webtoon. But once Webtoon will change their monetization system and Tapas takes the opportunity to change for the better, maybe we will see the table turning. Who knows.

I feel like my work has done so much better on Tapas than Webtoons.

I don’t know if it art style or genre but people on Webtoons tend to not read my stuff at all, not even the BL stuff.


Not having notifications for comments other people make to your story is the most mind-boggling thing Webtoons could think of.

I think this a response to me, though I could be wrong. If' I'm wrong, you can ignore.

I mean I do technically have a regular schedule of 1 month on, 2 months off, it's just that a schedule like that won't earn you enough traction to gain readers at a good pace. I still get subs when I update, just not a lot.

I was less expecting and more hoping :sweat_02:

Like I said on a similar thread, I have 20 subscribers on Tapas and 81 likes (and around 800 views).

On Webtoons I have 3 likes, no subscribers and 100 views. My story failed spectacularly on Webtoons, it's not even funny.

On Tapas, some people actually read my stuff.

w00f... what a nightmare of a story. i hope you got something sorted since then..

it was. It does the more you can pump out comics the better, cudos to those that dont have busy lives and can do that.
ANd yes, I agree. I just cling to my pessimism. :sweat_smile:

Oh totally! I don't do banner swaps anymore just so I can avoid repeating that experience, and haven't seen any trouble since. Also I've joined a private collective so even if some dick decides to report me on Webtoons I at least have a place I can go. Stand alone sites aren't as popular as they were in the early 2000's, but it's better than being totally pushed out.

Ironically, if you want to have a higher possibility of being featured on Webtoons do banner swaps with people who have similar comics to yours. There weren't any like mine per se so I swapped with creators who had LGBT+ comics... which were mostly BL , completely my first mistake on that path of unwanted temporary fame since it brought readers who thought my comic was romance. Lol
Keep in mind the type of audience you're okay with if you do a swap, age can play a huge factor, I thought I was fine with BL fans but it turns out I'm only fine with 20+ BL fans. x'D

I'd say that at this point the situation for me is pretty even between the two platforms, lol.
On Tapas, I have less subscribers (170), but way more views, likes and comments. Numbers increase very slowly, but the good thing is that people seem to be more willing to interact and leave a feedback :tapa_pop:

On Webtoon, I have more subscribers (208), but... only 2-3 of them leave likes on my episodes. Everything else is just like screaming into a void. I tried encouraging people to comment and like episodes, asking questions hoping to get a response, I added bonus pics at the end of my episodes with a "please don't forget to leave a like" message, I tried to do banner swaps (out of 8 people I managed to put together, 4 ghosted me and 2 never did their part of the swap), I tried participating to events on Twitter and Instagram & tagging the Canvas staff on Twitter (always got ignored), talking/promoting on their official Discord (got downvoted once)... nothing seems to work to get more people to interact :rofl: for about six months, I actually kept losing followers with each new update instead of getting new ones.

I'm not giving up on WT yet because, in theory, it's where I got the biggest number of subscribers, but I have to say that so far I'm not very impressed with the place at the moment XD (btw: no, I do not participate in sub4sub).

Which isn't to say that Tapas is this perfect and flawless place where everything is beautiful and gaining a readership is easy, mind you :sweat_02: I still think that Tapas could improve some things for community creators (namely giving more visibility to events like the Discord community art board instead of just posting them as Instagram stories that only last 24 hours + more visibility to recently updated comics and novels on the app + pushing the "Tapas Community" socials more so that potential readers can see them, since right now the pages seem to be followed mostly by creators), but overall, I think that Tapas has a far more creator-friendly UI and gives you better ways to help you build a community compared to WT (creator walls, forums, Discord, NOTIFICATIONS). Also, it has less censorship compared to WT.

That said, trying out different platforms and seeing which one works best for you is always a good idea!

The thing is I'd probably have more attention on Webtoons, but I just decide to only put my Tapas link just because I'm afraid people will choose one for another. Like "I'm subscribed one one, I don't need to subscribe to both". Also I guess hard work trying to get attention on BOTH sites.

From what I understand Webtoon Subs are almost catching up to my Tapas subs.

For me, I've managed to get around the same amount of followers for both (but I gained webtoon followers a lot faster.) I've found that if you're promoting your comic elsewhere, people are way more likely to look for your comic on webtoon since it's a more popular site.

I've also found that posting on tapas multiple times a week helps you in terms of algorithm and popularity. Tapas readers seem to be alright with shorter updates (there are a lot of comics that upload a page per update multiple times a week and seem to be doing great on tapas) Meanwhile, on webtoon, readers expect longer updates once per week, so that works on that site.

If you're in one of the less saturated genres (I'm in horror, which has way less featured series) you have more of a chance of being on the popular page and having people find you. However, if you're main genre Romance, Comedy, Fantasy or Action, you're going to have a hard time competing with the featured series and all the other comics on there.

I'm not sure if scroll or page format is preferred on tapas, but I see a whole lot more page comics on here than scroll (or at least the ones I'm reading)

I think the issue with tapas is that even the 'fresh' section, which is similar to webtoon's 'sort by date' section is that it still sorts fresh based on popularity (that's what I've heard, don't quote me on that)

I have a lot of gripes with both, but I lean toward webtoon.
I feel like webtoon's audience is more organic. I don't know who my commenters are most of the time, so I know that they're just interested in my story. My tapas engagements are often other creators, and I sometimes wonder how much of the engagement is out of obligation. I haven't advertise my comic on this forum for a few weeks and I haven't had any new subs, while I gained a few more subs on webtoon just by posting.
Webtoon also has a more dedicated staff that support canvas creators. They have recurring art activities which are good opportunities to get your work out there.

It definitely feels like it's hard to attract new readers through Tapas itself; my memory's fuzzy now but I think when I first posted on Tapas I had maybe six subs for months. Most of the subs that came later came through links advertising from other places. On Webtoon, I only had work up there for about a week, but got like a hundred subs in that time, which seemed incredible in comparison to my experience on Tapas and other platforms just posting something for the first time without an established audience.

(Of course, my comic is a fancomic and after that first week on Webtoon I got notice it had been taken down for apparently copyright infringement, lol. So, my overall impression of Webtoon was that, it has a huge pool of potential readership and strong visibility for new work, but the environment kind of strict creatively speaking, perhaps more geared toward creators looking to make money off their work, and just kind of unfriendly in general. I've tried doing searches to find out if any other fanartists had the same experience, but couldn't find anything, and of course contacting Webtoon help directly isn't going to get a reply.)

Also something I didn't realize about Webtoon until seeing it here, that it doesn't provide notifications for comments--knowing that it's just as well I got kicked off; that just kills any sense of community. (That was one of the many crippling aspects of new Smack Jeeves that helped ensure its demise.) I would choose Tapas as a platform based on that alone.

theres a browser extension for webtoon comment called "comment wizard" made by a canvas artist that shows you comments. I highly recommend it.