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Apr 2

I'd love to see what you guys are reading here!

Send a link to your current (Tapas) read and share the love for other stories! Yes you can share your own as well BUT please make it not the main pop-up link!

Here's one of my current reads: the characters are great, the action is well-paced and gotta love aro rep!

My own story can be found here

  • created

    Apr 1
  • last reply

    Apr 2
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Okay this isn't a super recent story, but the most recent story I've read on tapas is "School Memories" by Sharean Morishita. I've read all of her Tapas stories, and she's a very wholesome writer. I also like "Love Love Fighting." (it's better than the name would make you think.)

Oh wait, this is technically the most recent one:

if you like long-haired male leads this'll be your jam

My own stories are "Damsel in the Red Dress"
And "Hushabye Prince"