25 / 171
Mar 2021

I may not be able to deliver eggstraordinary puns, but I hope some people might become eggstatic reading my comic instead!~

I'm very egg-static to share my egg-citing comic! I do hope you don't egg-nore my egg-cellent art

My villainous MC learns that just like an omelet, you can't have a perfect relationship without breaking a few leggs.

Battam Witch Egg. :3c

My comic updates twice a week (Tues and Thurs) one page per update. I usually get about 20-30 comments per update, and I'm at 17.8k subs right now, nice! My series is intended to a slightly older audience, so I don't usually enter stuff like this because I want to be respectful and a bit lowkey... but, I just love colorful eggs too much not to at least draw Battam egg!

Hmm, I don't know much about eggs, but I've heard hen-cyclopedias are the best place to get facts about them!

Speaking of hen-cyclopedias, my comic is about an egg-cellent magical one:

Laught-EGG is a good way to EGG-sercize your stomm-EGG

Hope these PANS were a good EGG-sample

Omelette you finish, but my eggo keeps egging me on. So beat it and scramble. :sunglasses:

See this egg? That's the main character, I heard he was suddenly auctioned and gosh the price was pretty eggspensive! Now he's questioning his eggsistence.

I wasn't sure eggs-actly what you wanted. I dozen know if this will land sunny-side up or over easy, but this was my brain's scrambled idea:

Why did the celebrity egg lose all of her friends? They all thought she was a shell-out...

Egg puns? This'll be a great eggsercise. This is eggactly what my humor need. Eggciting.

... Okay, enough egg puns, that's eggshausting

Egg puns? I got one that'll make you crack up.

Ah wait- Are puns yolks? I like to think they are.

But forgets the puns and the yolks, I have the henest truth that will scramble your brains.

The egg came first. With eggvolution, a creature that resembled a chicken would had laid an egg, and that egg, out from its shell , would be what scientists would considered a chicken. So there you go, the answer to the never ending eggbate of which came first, the chicken, or the egg.

I rest my case.