20 / 171
Mar 2021

We have an egg-citing opportunity for Tapastry creators! It's too good to egg-nore :hatching_chick:

Every year, we hold The Great Tapas Easter Egg Hunt, an event that involves both creators and readers. Tapas will release a collection daily for 3 days, and readers can explore each collection to hunt down Easter eggs. To learn more about it, you can visit last year's The Great Tapas Easter Egg Hunt108.

This year, we want to invite community creators to join! We will also be including novels in our Easter Egg Hunt for the first time! We’ve created 5 slots for this mini-event, so that any creator can have the opportunity to join this event. We are looking for egg-ceptional series!

How to participate:

  1. Tell us a terrible egg pun OR draw your character as an egg. Please post it on this forum post!
  2. Include a link to your series in your post.

Here's what we're looking for:

  1. Ongoing series with regular updates.
  2. Series with 10 or more episodes.
  3. Series that follow our Content Guidelines21 for both the Tapas site and App.


  • Submissions are due March 8, 2021 at 9 AM PST. (Due to high request, the deadline has been extended to give more users the opportunity to participate!)
  • Please only one submission and one prompt per person! If you post more than one, you will be automatically disqualified so that it's fair to other participants.
  • This event is very time-sensitive, so please only participate if you can commit to quick communication and filling out our pre-made template later this month. We will reach out to winners through their Tapas account emails. Winners will not be announced publicly until the event is live. It is imperative that winners do not disclose that their series won!


  • Our favorite 5 will be featured in The Great Tapas Easter Egg Hunt.
  • 12 randomly selected participants will get 5,000 Ink (Supportable Ink, not Bonus Ink)

Have fun! :egg:

  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Mar '21
  • 170


  • 7.3k


  • 158


  • 594


  • 50


Frequent Posters

There are 170 replies with an estimated read time of 15 minutes.

pinned globally Mar 3, '21

wow what a pun lol

Though I can not participant ima go out with a pun (I have sadly 7 episodes out :cry_01:)

Egg puns are eggstra eggcellent yolks and will crack you up.. :smirk:
-totally did not look up an egg pun pshh that would be weird :doggo_shook: -

Good luck to yall

This will be my first time participating in this challenge! (I've been on Tapas for about a year hehe.) Without further ado, this is the most terrible egg pun I can come up with that also relates to my series...

The eggs get really scared when they see another UFY: Unidentified Flying Yolk. :eyes:

I really want to make a joke about how egg is a term for a closet trans person and now I'm having an egg-cis-stential crisis.

speaking of eggs, one of my characters from Brooders is already an egg, so does she count towards the hunt? :stuck_out_tongue: She hatches by the end and it's actually really sweet.

I have to confess, I'm guilty of regularly stealing eggs... because I like them poached. :wink:

All the King's Horses and all the king's men couldn't stuff that gigantic demonic hand back in the ground, and honestly Rekki could only wonder why Urien had not only sent all the men when she was right there and strong enough to throw cars, but had sent horses. Was he okay?

I don't know any good yolks :egg:

A city with 25 million eggs in it would be called New Yolk City.

Which is a much different place than Greece, where my comic takes place!

When he thought he can manage thing to be all perfect sunny-side-up, things flipped in an unforeseen direction and it became scrambled instead.

(Also I am unfunny as hell)

A not so hard-boiled comic of a town where everone's minds get scrambled and growing up isn't it all it cracked up to be

I ordered a chicken and an egg online. I'll let you know.

No? No one? Alright, I'll eggsile myself pfff

As an artist I'm terri-fried that I may be too egg-centric, so I try eggs-tra hard to improve my art. It can be eggs-hausting, but there really is nothing quite as thrilling as getting a good response.

This is an eggcellent and eggciting opportunity, and that's no yolk. I'm hopping in this nest and hoping for the eggciting eggvednture of When Souls Awaken to hatch!
(24 episodes out and updates every Friday)

I hope thus still counts as the character 'as an egg' :blush: The character's name is Efri so I guess now shes...Eggfri...:joy:
Good luck everyone! :blush:

I may not be able to deliver eggstraordinary puns, but I hope some people might become eggstatic reading my comic instead!~

I'm very egg-static to share my egg-citing comic! I do hope you don't egg-nore my egg-cellent art

My villainous MC learns that just like an omelet, you can't have a perfect relationship without breaking a few leggs.

Battam Witch Egg. :3c

My comic updates twice a week (Tues and Thurs) one page per update. I usually get about 20-30 comments per update, and I'm at 17.8k subs right now, nice! My series is intended to a slightly older audience, so I don't usually enter stuff like this because I want to be respectful and a bit lowkey... but, I just love colorful eggs too much not to at least draw Battam egg!

Hmm, I don't know much about eggs, but I've heard hen-cyclopedias are the best place to get facts about them!

Speaking of hen-cyclopedias, my comic is about an egg-cellent magical one:

Laught-EGG is a good way to EGG-sercize your stomm-EGG

Hope these PANS were a good EGG-sample

Omelette you finish, but my eggo keeps egging me on. So beat it and scramble. :sunglasses:

See this egg? That's the main character, I heard he was suddenly auctioned and gosh the price was pretty eggspensive! Now he's questioning his eggsistence.

I wasn't sure eggs-actly what you wanted. I dozen know if this will land sunny-side up or over easy, but this was my brain's scrambled idea:

Why did the celebrity egg lose all of her friends? They all thought she was a shell-out...

Egg puns? This'll be a great eggsercise. This is eggactly what my humor need. Eggciting.

... Okay, enough egg puns, that's eggshausting

Egg puns? I got one that'll make you crack up.

Ah wait- Are puns yolks? I like to think they are.

But forgets the puns and the yolks, I have the henest truth that will scramble your brains.

The egg came first. With eggvolution, a creature that resembled a chicken would had laid an egg, and that egg, out from its shell , would be what scientists would considered a chicken. So there you go, the answer to the never ending eggbate of which came first, the chicken, or the egg.

I rest my case.