47 / 62
Jul 2021

Thank you @the_elven_starship for recommending me :sparkling_heart:

And here're my favs:

I don't believe she publishes over here on Tapas, but I managed to meet and befriend an incredibly sweet and passionate artist who goes by Candied Cotton, and I've been helping her out with her comic 'The Angel that Was a Demon'

She's a total sweetheart who puts a lot of effort and love into making this story, so go read it and show her hot demon boys some love in return.

Hello there! Here is my comic strip about cheeky little mice:

Here is another comic strip I like that's on Tapas:

It is a very fluffy and heartwarming BL novel that I'm hooked! It's totally worth your time! I'm sad it doesn't get the recognition it deserves...

I have been really enjoying the novels below (definitely check them out, they are all great reads!), and I was so honored/excited when their authors subscribed to my story and gave support, encouragement, and constructive feedback! It really made me feel like I was part of a community. :heart_02:

I also wanted to give a special shout-out to @RandomWordWriter, who asked special permission to write a brief fanfiction involving characters from my novel. It made me so happy to know my characters had inspired someone else to create new art!

Aww thank you for the mention!! I’ve sadly only had the chance to read 2 episodes so far, but I can't wait to actually have time to binge because I really love the premise of this novel! Since you can't share it, I'll share it here for you.
(Also, awesome that you had someone do a fanfic!!)

This is my friend's comic series, and I'm really interested in it. I've read all of the episodes and I'm waiting for the next one. The title is Kalim & Calim


Thank you so much allenT really appreciate the promo. bro fist bump just hope you will be patient enough to be waiting for the later installments!

I recommend the following. My library has mostly been whittled down (just dont have the free time to read a lot online)
But these three creators are ones I will make time to read!
I appreciate the work they do and that they are influenced by pretty much the same things as myself.
So if you like European/eastern fantasy, myths, Henson, Froud.. then these comics are for YOU!

allenT puts a LOT of heart, research, time and traditional artistry to bring his creation to you..so please support him!

Delyth clearly has a love of all things faerie and ridiculously talented artist to boot!

Tani's comic is a stream of dreamlike consciousness and very much in the same vein as work by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Hans Christian Anderson, Russian tales and so on. Always making you guess what the next episode will reveal. Very fun..and very spiritual!

This is one of my favourite comics on the site!

@littlelilylee5683 whoa, thank you so much! :purple_heart: As from me, I'd totally recommend Brothers Keepers by Akitku, set during the crusades but with a supernatural twist, and the historical background is awesomely researched, so much to learn in a fun way.

These are some of the series I follow the most.

Oooh I love this.

So, first of all, I'd like to promote Wondrous, a coming of age story with an aroace protagonist. :smiley:

I absolutely adore this comic and how authentically it portrays the struggles of figuring out and coming to terms with your identity.

Then there's Black Wings, which has one of my favourite depictions of Lucifer. I'm very picky with my Lucifers. :wink:

It's a fantasy story about a woman who goes to Hell and has to work for Lucifer, and I love the worldbuilding and character designs. Not only is the story and world really intrguing so far but the art is also a pleasure to look at. The world is so colourful and the characters all have unique, distinct and interesting (and diverse) designs.

A Tale of Two Shadows is another great one.

It's dark, it's gritty, it's intriguing, and the noir vibes. The film noir vibes. I'm a sucker for cool lighting and contrast-y art, and this comic is very noir-esque and contrast-y, and has a lot of interesting varied shots. I could totally imagine it as a movie.

Where The Flame Points is also one of my favourites.

I already loved The Unbearable Smell of Oranges (by the same creator), and this comic has a somewhat similar feeling to it, though it's a lot darker than Oranges. Again, the art is beautiful, and the story gives me the creeps, but in a good way. I also love that like in Oranges, the characters are very unique and interesting.

Lastly, a pretty popular one (but still one I wanna share) is Cunning Fire.

Look, I know I was pulled in because of gay witches. I am aware of that. But it's a very cool story and every character is incredibly well thought-out and either loveable or at least interesting and with understandable motives. Not just the gay witches. Also, the art. Look at that art. There's a lot to love about this one.

This person was the first to like a ton of my comic chapters and that made me really happy! :blush: so, I'll share their work, I haven't read it yet but it sounds interesting!
thank you @chestnutriceeee

I've got a novel and comic for yall. The comic is Level Platinum Nuzlocke by Wastelander Nick, cause of course it's a nuzlocke that's all I do right now. It has a similar feeling to Ky-nim's nuzlocke so if you liked that one you'll like this nuzlocke.

The novel is Of The Sword by Crimson B, which fits into a group of genres. It really grows on you when all the characters are given time to be fleshed out and B has managed to do so in a short time.