14825 / 19124
Mar 2023

@LCT_m_a_d hmm, I wonder how it will come out, but feels pretty powerful to me. I really love the take on the angle, since most of those portraits you do are usually looking straight at the subject. I suppose a couple more really dark spots will make it even better!

@bulgariansumo ohh, I love them, especially the last one :coffee_love:

@DanielRKM people will be like "give them a maaaaaaask! " xD

Dark is trying to make us create reels again :pumpkin: I feel kinda like this

I deserve an Oscar for drawing that right shoes ! Oof :tired_face: I made so many alteration to make her legs look right but I just can't figure out how ! Like im so frustrated !! At least I had fun with the folds :coffee_love: Her hoodie gets bigger ang bigger each time lol just like my mom used to dress me as a child :joy:

@alliascompany this is so cute :persevere:

@DanielRKM i just love how you draw anthropomorphic characters! (The antlers and ears are Makin me feel stuff.) Like I struggle with drawing humans and have little to no experience with animals and you're just out there juggling both :doggo_shook:

@Kelheor his hair is always on fleek i'm startin to get jealous !

@bunny OMG I love her!! :heart_03: these sleeves and shoes! Such a great design, honestly :persevere:
Hahaha yeah, he has a very personalized haircare, we all jelly :joy:

@LCT_m_a_d Thank you, I'm really happy with how they turned out! Also, OH MY GOSH the detail on your last sketch is incredible!
@DanielRKM Thank you, thank you, thank you! :cry_02: I really wanted to make sure the illustrations for this chapter weren't boring, so I'm so happy to hear you think the composition looks good! Also this might sound weird, but the motion on the snot/spittle in your last pic looks really realistic! Definitely dangerous for sure.
@Kelheor Thank you! I looooove the shapes on your character!

@bunny That's such a cute character design! I love her pose.

Hooo. I'm behind posting here today!

I'm working on a commission so it's hard to find things I'm allowed to post. My other stuff has some backlog so I'm taking a break from it at the moment. I think this is a safe one, though. Bg is still a WIP.

About time I got my daily dosage of your art. :wink:

P.S. I like your art but I am super biased towards female characters/characters with androgynous traits. There's a reason I write GL. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I do like eyecandy men from time to time. But I prefer when they look like Coyote Starrk from Bleach or Ulquiorra Cifer from Bleach. (Barely comment on other type of men.)

There's nothing at all wrong with that, haha. And thanks, that's a really awesome compliment.

I'm trying to get better at drawing women more. They're just harder for me, for some reason. All them curves kill my brain, lol.

I also have a hard time writing about men. What I do is imagine the same character but from a girl perspective with the same personality. It's not that I can't write about men I just don't enjoy it as much mentally. The personality can be the same but in my mind it's like meeehhh I prefer same thing but with a badass women. (Few exceptions here and there).

It is tough mentally. Why did I tell you this? Well, you can apply a similar concept to drawing. Instead of trying to add curves why not start small? For example, draw an androgynous character with a big jacket to cover said curves. Mentally imagine it is a small man with andorgynous traits but when you add the finishing touches make it a women.

Step by step start adding more feminine traits (like a small skinny man with long eyelashes and long hair). Going step by step while drawing something you are comfortable with will help you draw the opposite sex in a more natural way without being too much for your brain.