14898 / 19078
Mar 2023

@Kelheor tbh im having trouble with both :sweat_smile: I wanted their heads to be more tilted but they ended up kinda like a profile. Ill let it sit for now and hope ill be able to pick it up later with a fresh eye! Also thank u for the lovely comment :cry_01::heartpulse:
On another note, she do be having the moves :hohoho: Ill swoon if she looked at me like that :blusht:
Their kid version is so cute 🥰 I struggle with kids tbh they're mean :sob:

I dunno how I managed to fit this into today's busy schedule but here it is (and yes I did not flip my canvas. I'm scared at this point :joy:)

@Katzalcoatl skater girl :sparkles:

@simonitropunk she looks so cute :coffee_love:

@bunny you can do it! :clap: ask away if you need any help, okie? ^^ haha yeah, I struggled with kids before I drew a white season of a comic with 7 of them too xD
Sometimes that canvas doesn't really need a flip 🤪

@DarkSena it really does, it was warm and sunny today for the first time :smug_01: love the bright colors!

@alliascompany I suppose at this point it was more occasional than a conscious decision, but I really enjoy it too xD

@LCT_m_a_d "Beleard had Yara for a friend and that's all you need to know" :laughing:

I'm just speechless.. This is the sweetest thing that happened to me in a while :heartpulse:

Never had anyone draw one of my ocs before so this is awesome!
I love the pose and how you blended that teal into her design with the socks and painted nails. All of it is just perfection ! The lines on her head instead of the gradient is just chefs kiss!
I love it so much :cry_01::cry_02: