17553 / 19124
Jan 2024

Been thinking about adding a new race to the Trespasser gallery of aliens.
I've been considering this one for a while now tbh.
So what if...

Cat-people? :eyes:

Logo day.

I'm trying to decide a few things about it. The title is a bit too simple and doesn't tell you anything, so I may add to it. I may give it a jaunty angle. Go all Kirby comic.

I'm also thinking of making something thinner with tall verticals so I can get across the idea of deep time, which figures a lot in the stories.


Rigby from Regular Show. One of the best characters ever created.

Legally obligated to give no context /j
What you think he’s saying? XD

Yeah. That’s why I wasn’t allowed to give context 🥺 the government threatened me with cutting off my cheese supply.

Happy monday everyone, I hope you are all in a better mood than Regina

I try to remember the planes of the head for the Asaro head and try to
draw it from it memory

Thanks man, and yeah I like making tails all long and bendy haha
I'm also playing with the idea of a shorter more bushy tail.
One thing I'm still a bit uncertain of, is whether I'll go with humanoid legs, or the S-shaped cat legs :thinking:

I like the tail and the s-hape legs in the sketch more than in the finished drawing.

Don't you hate when the sketch has more weight line and details than the lineart?
Don't get me wrong it looks amazing. But for some reason sketchs always look better. At least in my opinion.