20 / 21
Nov 2018

About unlocking tipping, there was that possibility that before a tipping/inksgiving event starts, people can send an email to the staff to unlock tipping for them, even if they don't meet the requirements.

I think it's still valid, since my friend got their tipping unlocked just a few days ago through sending an email.

Yes I am aware about that, but not all creators are aware about that. Let alone they are active in the forum to follow Inksgiving updates that they can't/join too late (what I refer as "Bad timing")

As Inksgiving ends, it is all too late. I make this so they can get recognition and better chance next Inksgiving :slight_smile: It's sad when there are people left behind.

Oh, I had no idea! I'm at 129 subs for my novel ELINA, so I thought I couldn't take part in this event. A reader actually messaged me about this. If the staff can unlock tipping before hitting 250 subs, that would be awesome :slight_smile:

Well, i'll reply with the link to the tapas comic and webtoon if that is ok? Tapas has almost caught up with webtoon and should by tuesday, then it'll be a once a week update.

Lil robot was brought into the world when there were no humans to order her. Robots are still fighting a war, and everyone wants to know why she is there. All she wants to do is build things and be happy.

Click the top one for tubing on tapas!

I did get the "unlock tipping via email" message, and did consider doing it, but opted not to. I felt it would be a bit scummy, given that it's been a while since my comic's last update, to come back just to ask for tips. :stuck_out_tongue:

At any rate, here's my comic if you want to check it out:

Too bad I didn't have much subs to begin with when this even started. but I'm still doing a raffle and incentives for tippers. Probably cause I haven't been at it for long or cause I focused more on promoting my webtoon mirror, cause the numbers were so satisfying and I didn't see this coming lol...sigh

I knew about the possibility to unlock tipping via email, but decided it would be more rewarding for me if I did unlock it by gaining the required number of subs (I'm halfway there!), so maybe next year. xD

Anyway, here's my comic~

As for me, I wanted to show support but yeah... wasn't able to get ink in time for the event. Once I do get ink I'mma distribute anyway. :slight_smile:

Sorry if I sound salty, but please no more "You could've activated it" or "You can unlock" it. That's not the point and purpose.

Look above
Some of them know, but choose not to (e.g. the reason Kann mentioned)
Some of them didn't even know it until it end.
Some of them think they join too late, that they can't get any.

Actually I want this to be a thread for people who gets NOTHING or LESS during Inksgiving, to get more love. Just treat this thread as pasca-inskgiving promote thread, so people who aren't really aware of it can promote each others and prepare for the next event. So they can promote their favorite creator who haven't got chance, to get better chance next time.

Do you think this thread is useless? Unecessary? If so I will delete it to save up some space :slight_smile:

I'm tired my reason being misinterpreted. I shouldn't have done anything at all :smile:

Err, no? Never said or implied that. This is actually nice way to prep for the next six months.

Just, I guess the word 'leftovers' kinda bugged me, since there were surprisingly a bunch of inksgiving exchange threads. (Given, idk how the results of posting in them are.) I can also get how the whole not-taking-the-shortcut route or not-knowing-until-it-was-too-late dilemma can make some people feel left out. Hell, if I wasn't in a big tapas discord server, I would've been in the same situation.

It's a sticky situation since I wish this early activating would've been promoted more er... louder so those who miss email notifications can get a jump on the requests but I also don't want the staff to be bombarded with last-minute requests. :confused:

Don't get me wrong; this is a nicee thread. It's only calling people who didn't get any/a lot of support 'leftovers' that bugged me. Your thread's fine, I swear xD

Thank you, I edited it :slight_smile:
Perhaps "people left" or "people left over" is better.
I'm a leftover apparently, ascended into scum :laughing:

Hopefully you won't feel that way next year. :sweat_smile: Have a bit more confidence in what you do.

Gonna be honest I didn't even try because my Sub count is very low, I hope to try next year, but I imagine I'll still be super obscure then to.

I got my account activated for tipping.
I spent three weeks before Inksgiving racking up ink to give away, which I did but was leftover with some at the end. I'll have to just give that out soon.
While my sub count is low, I did manage to get one generous gift of ink which was an incredible thing for me.
I've been trying to be more consistent with my updates.
Currently, I'm working/writing two different series.

This is my webcomic, it's a very passionate 5 year project that I am executing. Please take a look if you enjoy sci-fi fantasy stories with themes like family, love, friendship and life changes. It's very wholesome and based on my favorite shows like Hilda, Gravity Falls, and Steven Universe. Take a look if you want! ^^