2 / 12
Apr 2019

So, I want to make a series of 1-2 page mini comics for Alpha Alpaca to be uploaded occasionally and I'm trying to think up a name for the mini comics as a whole. I was thinking "Alpha Alpaca Wool Shorts," but that just doesn't sound quite right. So I'd love to hear your ideas for a possible name as well.

Here is the main series, so you can get a vibe for it.

Thanks for the help! :slight_smile:

  • created

    Apr '19
  • last reply

    Apr '19
  • 11


  • 1.0k


  • 8


  • 11


  • 2


@skicoak @TimCaloweh Those are great suggestions! I especially like "Alpha Alpaca Apologues" and "Shears!" I might wait for a few more suggestions fro mothers before deciding finally. (Might make a poll as well.)

I think I like either Shears!, Soft Shorts, Wooling Around, or Alpha Alpaca Apalogues the most of all. What do you guys think?

Soft Shorts made me giggle. But I am considered as immature and annoying, thus I wouldn't take my giggles as a good lead.

Shears and Wooling around it is for me. Though Alpha Alapaca Apalogues is really great, just very long and by the time you get to the Apalogues, you are too tired to get the "epilogue" thing, ya know. My brain kinda freezes whenever I see that title. And since you always have to cater to the lowest common denominator, I would go for the shorter ones.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll see what the others ave to say as well before fully deciding.