30 / 90
Dec 2018

Apparently, Tumblr is starting to flag things now, before 17th and the algorithm is working as poorly as people would have expected, targeting posts that are completely fine along the NSFW ones.

Given the new rules coming in regarding copyright and fanwork, I can't see how driving away NSFW original creators is a good business plan, especially when their definition of explicit and the algorithm dealing with it is so awful its targeted pictures or literal birds, hand holding and such (disproportionately LGBT+) that many people are leaving the second they get flagged, without even waiting to file and appeal that their handholding or cuddles aren't explicit. Perhaps if they'd done it delicately it might have gone down better. And the fact that they can bring this in so swiftly proves in a lot of peoples eyes that they've been willfully ignoring lots of the other problems raised. This nose dive has been going on for years now, many people are predicting this is the straw that breaks the camels back. It's certainly not the first time a large company has entirely misjudged their position and user base and crashed, after all. I'm sure they have their reasons, but it doesn't make sense that out of all their issues, this is the one they chose to crack down on.

this has come years after the take over by yahoo though, and tumblr staff... dont tend to do their due diligence on much of anything

that said i agree that outrage isnt useful right now as much as finding solutions, which i suspect will be difficult with a growing climate of restricted guidelines on sites and a reliance on ad revenue for profit

Easiest one to address, and it's the one that's getting them bumped off app stores.

If it's like other industries, you tend to see parent companies ride out the existing contracts/agreements
they acquire with acquisitions before making wholesale changes...plus we're seeing a ton of potential new IP legislation worldwide. Moves are gonna be made.

WTF?! I don’t even use tumblr and I’m still outrage!! How is tumblr going to survive without gratuitous amounts of porn!!! I guess it’s just gonna die and get replaced with a better new-tumblr:/ This strictness on NSFW content for artists can’t last that long, it has to be a passing phase. After all this is the Internet.

At least twitter is all good with it:3 ...for now:/

Sigh.... this just happens much too often... I don't even get it. I wish there were more places that would just embrace adult content. -_-

Tumblr got in trouble for having too many porn bots. They are trying to fix it but it also seems like they have no idea what they are doing. They want a quick fix but they seem to be doing it wrong. Other sites have created systems for cutting down on bots, maybe Tumblr should look more into that.

This is EXACTLY what I was saying an hr ago. I have a Tumblr and it doesnt really bother me coz I dont post NSFW content, but yeah the site has never been my cup of tea. I like other artists/creators there but it seems impossible to generate a buzz for my own material- probably mostly coz I dont really care to be on that site like being on Twitter...for me Twitter moves 20 miles a minute while Tumblr moves a mile every 20 minutes.

Been telling myself that I need to sit down and start trying to work on my own site- rn I feel like I'm missing out on some stuffs and I need to be ready to do it in 2019.

I hope other businesses that are taking steps that restrict the undeniable progress of sexual liberation online will take a long hard look at this graph and realize exactly what will happen if they keep doing so.

It warms my cold dead heart seeing these acts of scummy betrayal receive the precise kind of response it deserves.

NSFW creators cannot be stopped. If you push us away, our customers will follow us wherever we go. Because they want what we have, and attempts to deny it and bury it will not change that.

i don't even post NSFW stuff but i get a majority of my commission work on tumblr. Hours after the announcement, my follower count dropped by a lot. lol. As someone said, this was the final straw and I hope a better site pops up. It sucks because even though tumblr has been crappy for years now, I find myself nostalgic for the old days where there was actually a sense of community. I'm not gonna lie, tumblr had a major impact on me as an artist and influenced a lot of my interests now during its heyday (2010-2012). But well, here we are. All's bad...that ends bad?

It was actually because of child porn, which they should have been actively removing anyway. Most people. Are thinking they used this as an opportunity to ban everything to try and make themselves more appealing to advertisers.

This is most likely the fact too. They get a lot of traction from their app, especially on the IOS store. And since we know how notorious apple is about their "walled garden" and elitist, pure system, so this is most likely in response to having their app removed from the store. They want that ad-friendly sweet sweet revenue once again

Yes, I did a quick Google search and I guess there are many articles from November that state it is mostly due to child porn.

I think there program is looking for certain types of images, which makes sense why a computer might have flagged this. But in reality it's not child porn or even NSFW.

I've also heard that Tumblr has a good number of Little Space fetish blogs, which I don't know will be picked up by the sweep. There are many users who are concerned with these types of blogs due to them reblogging posts made by teenage users to be put on fetish blogs.

This whole nonsense borked up my comic's mainsite since I use the tumblr theme for hosting.

I also have friends worried over income and their followings.

I want to back up the recommendation for Fur Affinity for commission work. It's a wild place [the sfw filter is there for a reason] and has its own set of drama but I've had more financial support there then anywhere else. To those that drift over let me know, I can give you a promo. I'm not popular in their standards but it's enough to get eyes on the work. Ive been there since 2012 so if you need any help finding your way around, speak up.

It's a complete mess and twitter has been on fire all day over the topic.

I don't draw NSFW and I honestly hate running into it when I'm scrolling through my feed. So I mean, yaaay improved experience... for me and the 6 other people in the world that hate looking at NSFW stuff..............

Sarcasm aside, I'm pretty indifferent to the change by now, lots of websites have been doing stuff like this so I guess I've become numb to it. I mean, at the least at least I won't feel like I HAVE to start drawing porn to get noticed.... by the 6 other users that will be left to use the site after the purge.

How funny is that if FA suddenly bloated with human artworks. :joy:

But for real, FA is a great place for any kind of NSFW artist.