I'm a 26 year old lady living in a rainy city making a comic called LIM. I like thinking about why people do things and feel feelings.
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- Sep 15, '18
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- Jan 29, '19
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- Nov 19, '19
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Sure! That's fine by me
I think you are already getting the character's personality across. I would definitely include the snail in the thumb as well even if he hasn't shown up in your comic yet because a) from the sketches you posted at the beginning he's very cute and likely will be a draw, and b) I looked at your thumb …
That looks really good! A lot more interesting with the increase in contrast, and I get much more of a magical vibe now.
Haha I like it, I kinda like... Expect him to have chest hair with his shirt open that much? Like that dials up the sleeze factor for me (chest hair is great no offense intended to people with chest hair). Also I find the red background jarring with the rest of the pallette which isn't necessarily b…
I would like to see something that emphasizes both of their wings more, the colour pallette means flares got lost for me, I didn't realize she had wings until I started reading your comic. Maybe a split down the middle and a front view that's mirrored on them both to emphasize the duality? So they'r…
It has a shape tool for drawing the panels with and a tool for drawing speech bubbles.
Not sure if it's quite what you're looking for but both clip studio paint and photoshop can be used to add animations. With clip studio if you don't get the top version there is a limit to the number of frames you can export.
I'd say with your line art to get it more to the product you said you're aiming for you'd need to loosen up a bit and start using more variety on line weights. It looks like you're inking digitally, you could try printing out your roughs and inking them with a brush to get more variety, work more fr…
Hey! Sorry I know you posted this ages ago, but I would like to say that this isn't necessarily an unhealthy way of thinking! If it motivates you to live your life fully and pursue things that bring you joy and satisfaction it can actually be a very helpful approach. If you find that the dread is ha…
Thank you so much! This has given me a lot to think about. "I have to say that having one's own website augments the reading experience tenfold. I'm sad to see that it has largely gone out of style for the majority of comics out there" That's honestly so funny because I made my comic and websit…
I really like the planet, the art is beautiful. I don't know if it would grab me right away, especially since it's hard to gauge your art style from it. I often find I gravitate towards things with faces and people in em, cause I tend to like plots that are more character driven. That's also why I l…
@ghostieblu sorry I started this a few days ago and completely spaced haha I like the concept of this, but didn't actually register the hand in your thumb because of the lack of contrast between colours. I'm wondering if you could do a similar thing but like (forgive my messy sketch) [image] …
I think in this isn't something that is Webtoon specific, in general when making webcomics because of the time in between pages you need to think about having a question the readers want to have answered next, or an experience they're enjoying. Some people are more invested in character dynamics tha…
Everybody's got a different schedule, be gentle with yourself
Number two. Drawing on my lap at work is not producing what I would call "great" lines haha. I think I am going to steal @A_Toad's idea and post some of these as holiday bonus comics once I redo the lines digitally haha. Sorry about my phones terrible camera. [image] And then the one I misreme…
@spenserw0042 @A_Toad thanks fellows
Augh traditional why Numba one [image]
Do what feels right! No obligation to take advice if it doesn't feel like it fits
Second version is better, I like the contrast! This is great actually, much more dynamic and interesting
If you want the lgbtq+ in there you could do it in white, I might make the font a little cleaner so it's easier to read scaled down though
Building on this, your city might have an information and referral line that you can call to get tips on services you can access. In some countries there is hardship assistance through employment ministries, but some nonprofits also set up things called rent banks (at least in Canada) that offer a n…
@buurd Honestly pretty strong, in concept and execution and compostion. Triple whammy! My only critique would be that anatomy-wise the guy characters forehead looks kind of big and his earlobe meets his face at an odd spot; just feeling on my own face right now I think it should meet at the jawline.…
FLIPPIN LOVE IT. You nailed it.
I think the more dramatic stuff you were going for was more eye catching tbh. If you had a thumb with both the ghost in real form and the main character I don't think that's so much a spoiler as a hook, people will stick around because they want to know who the ghost is. Also if there is any romance…
@JeanGuillet I think this is conveying what you're aiming for for the most part, I agree with what others have said about drawing more attention to the glow, it doesn't read magic right away so much as stylistic effect, especially paired with the background. Really gorgeous but maybe not conveying t…
I should make it clear, there is slightly more regulation at the level of psychologists who can diagnose Neurodevelopmental disorders like ASD (I don't doubt your friend was misdiagnosed, and it sucks when people use neurodifferences or mental illness as a tool against others in any form, yikes), bu…
I am actually training in this stuff, a lot of treatments, specifically cognitive behavioural manualized therapies are like big workbooks that you go through the whole thing, regardless of if everything applies to you. Also a lot of people get treated in psycho-educational groups. Edit; also when …
Hey! Listen your main comic thumbnail is what those rare readers browsing the fresh category see in the roughly ten minutes per update you're on any page remotely near the front. Hang on I've got to breath into a paper bag for a minute. ANYWAY I've seen some advice threads for thumbnails, but no…
I love.....seal.....my boi.....
[image] Ack ok I am losing steam and did not capture the full cuteness of this character! That was fun though thanks haha