69 / 72
Sep 2020

Well for me, I don't care what people eat, I just ask questions when I feel logic fails.
When I see people in TV don't eat meat, but wear leather shoes?
When people don't want to eat a healthy organic pig, that is not abused and have a longe good life, but rather eat a sick non-organic mass produced chicken that barely ever had been alive in a packed cage?
When people don't want to tap milck from a cow, because we force it to produce. But eat the carrot that this same abused cow had fertilized?

Eat whatever you want to eat, and believe whatever you want to believe, and do tell me when you feel my logic fails, and let's all become more educated of how to stay healthy.

The pizza example pops up a lot when discussing dietary restrictions/choices (vegan or otherwise) but...why?

Why would anyone expect a whole group of other people to eat based on one individual? When I am under dietary restrictions in similar situations, I always order separate.

Not gonna lie, I don't even usually bring up my diet because I don't want to hear long diatribes from people. Seriously, at my last job every man who ate meat (and I'm not trying to be sexist: it was the men specifically giving me sh*t) would corner me to "joke" about how tasty their jerky was or whatever. I don't care. Quit "joking" with me. Go eat your jerky and leave me be XD

What really ticks me off, is that the most I ever offered up about it, without being asked, was to tell the bosses what I'd like them to order for our meetings, or to ask so I could bring my own food and pot-luck it.

I get some people, they were just trying to break the ice 'cause they thought I was quietly judging them, and maybe they were curious about...but it got so uncomfortable and I say "It's personal," then I wish people would just drop it. :confused: I don't mind answering questions, but when you're just doing it to try to rebuttal and change my mind...dude, I've eaten meat as a kid. I know it's tasty. My cares lie beyond what's "tasty," cause there's lots of "tasty" sh*t out there XD

Grr! People be like all up in everyone else's business!

I get what you're saying. For a lot of people, they want to cut the meat from their diet, but they are either unaware of the other animal products, or don't have money to replace everything they own. Accessibility is a problem for some people. Personally, I hate how much we waste in the US. I'm not gonna buy new animal products, but I'm not going to throw my boots from 1996 away. "Needle and the damage done:" I can't bring that animal back, but I can stop contributing now. I don't see how throwing away the animal's sacrifice is helping cut down the industry. Not buying new products does more to stop it. In my humble opinion.

Many vegans would argue with me, but many vegans have a heck of lot more money than I do, too.

I think a lot of it is also ignorance (in the literal sense, I'm not condescending.) Who would think paper has gelatin in it? Who would think something from fish is used to clarify wines and beer? Who would think bone chard is used to make sugar whiter (not in all countries.) Who would think palm oil is causing mass deconstruction of forests and endangering species? Who would think diet pepsi has animal products in? WHY!? (ew, I don't drink diet sodas anyway XD)

My point is to say, animal products are used in EVERY aspect of products. On one hand, I respect that it's not going to waste: at least it's being used. On the other hand, it makes avoiding them all extremely difficult, and I dislike the loud minority of vegans who derive joy from putting other vegans down "oh, look, you're not vegan cause such and such." Dude, just pass the info on and let the person decide. They're like the "you don't really like anime, cause you don't like or know about or do this! I'm nerdier than you!" (ugh...I think I was that fan at one time o_O I'm so ashamed of myself!)

Again! I'm not shaming, just offering up some information, since I've gathered a bit over the years :3

I'd also like to add onto your point that not everyone is ready to transition into a full vegan lifestyle, or may never want to. For example they might start by consciously cutting meat/animal products during the week and only allowing it as a delicacy on weekends or something along those lines. Yes, they may not be full vegan but it's a starting point and overtime that will make a difference in their overall consumption.

I also see nothing wrong with recycling or keeping products that you already owned because as you said the damage has already been done. I don't get why people need to be penalized for not being 'vegan enough' or however they want to phrase it. If someone is making a conscious effort to make a change then that should be looked at as a positive and not be scoffed at.

Thank you for enlightening me. That makes sense.
All this is what I miss in other conversations. Logic.
And you telling that you are aware of Pepsi and paper. But you try to do what you can do.
And not screaming about me being wrong about drinking organic milk from a good farm.

Next time someone does that to me I’ll ask them to write it down on paper.

You're welcome :slight_smile:

People screaming come off to me as disingenuous. I get the passion, that's one thing. But some people just want to put others down to feel "holier than thou," and to me, they're not very good representations of the lifestyle. Having logical conversations, as you put it, is more convincing than making people feel guilty.

Thank you for that addition!

I agree that every step is at least some reduction of suffering. It's hard to change one's culture and up bringing. Doesn't mean it's not worth while, but baby steps can be best for many people vs cold turkey (I'm a baby step person myself XD)

Also with small changes it will make the transition easier and therefore more likely to stick in the long run!

Same. I can't have dairy cheese on my pizza, so I always ask for my own one. If somebody wants to have mine then they can, but the dairy free one shouldn't be the only one we order.

People are pretty chill with vegans from what i've seen, even strangers getting defensive for vegans if people don't like them? Mostly i've seen it the other way around, vegans calling people heartless and murderers or whatever wayyy more. Maybe its cause I live in a big city or whatever where veganism is chic.

personally for me meat is expensive so I limit it my diet though wouldn't cut it out. Less meat is healthy anyway.

1 year later

There was a group of certain individuals who consider themselves Vegans who felt the need to tell everyone why their decision to not eat animal products is superior to those who eat meat.

I can think of a specific YouTuber who lives in an echochamber of Í know better." And there's quite a few who use their diet as a reason to feel superior. With the internet being the internet, that turns into a stereotype that gets reinforced by every time they see a Vegan who wants to explain their food choice.

Should never read comments, or rather, never respond no matter how much you want. It will only make things worse.

The internet is full of edgelords and "gotcha"comments. It's not worth the energy to participate in it, or to resent it. This is how people are. We vent on the interwebnets.

Vegans bashing is only one of many, many toxic behaviours.

But as much as we may have toxicity or unpleasantness around the subject, that doesn't mean it should be avoided.

EDIT: Welp, didn't know this was old until someone tried advertising on here :\
lul ignore me!

Attacking vegans is absolutely ridiculous. Not eating meat is one of the most powerful ways to combat climate change. My sister is moving from vegetarianism to full veganism and when she says she doesn't eat any meat people act like she's the one attacking them!

I think this is partly because people know that eating meat is bad for the environment/ factory farming is brutal, but love meat too much to give it up. I only eat meat a couple of times a week and plan on cutting beef entirely. It's the least I can do for the future generations who are going to inherit this shithole of a planet after us.

I can’t eat meat due to health reasons. So it does annoy me that people get offended when someone doesn’t eat meat. I’m sorry if me not wanting to vomit on a daily basis offends you. My life was hellish before I went vegetarian.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I completely agree that people shouldn't attack each other because of their food choices, both vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores deserve to be treated equally. I know many people who get angry at vegans (not as much vegetarians) and people who get extremely angry at people who eat meat. Its our choice to eat meat or not, it's no one else's. One of my good friends is deathly allergic to gluten and has not eaten it for many years, but people constantly ask her if it is okay that she eats a little bit of gluten. We should be allowed to eat what we want without scorn from other people.

As long as we are not talking about canibalism i agree with you :grin:

I had that lady at work, that constantly asked me if I was vegan/vegetarian. I was primal at the time, ultra low carbs. She remembered that I am on an exclusion diet, just could never pinpoint the right one. Lol.