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Dec 2023

I've been doing Tuesdays @ 1 and I'm curious how effective other times have been for other authors.

  • created

    Dec '23
  • last reply

    Jan 1
  • 5


  • 431


  • 1


I do midnight on my time zone. And readers are aware what that time and date and time zone is.
I get the night readers then towards into the following night. So its cool seeing 24 hours that way.

I do it at the same time the server restart. on mondays.
unless is an extra doodle episode, then is whatever time I want.

I've been doing Saturdays at 8AM. Can't speak much to how effective it is compared to other times, but it does seem to be a time when a lot of people are online.

9 days later

I publish on Sundays and I try to reach for noon or earlier, I have school during the weekdays and use Friday afternoon, Saturday, and sometimes Sunday morning to do some extra work on my webcomic.

19 days later

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