51 / 56
May 2021

it would be easy for webtoon to manipulate, it's what they do best. For example they could:
-cut everyone's views down to only 50% and give the rest their views to whoever they chose
-or maybe shift the likes of a certain percent of everyone's subscribers to some people in features to make them even more appealing to the public, cause readers are more likely to pick to read popular comics with lots of likes, it gives them the impression it's the best because of the big number of likes.

considering all the weird things going on since the new pledge as feature suddenly explodes as discover suddenly declines, none of this makes sense unless they really did something dishonest, it's just impossible for things to get that way without massive manipulation and cheating from webtoon.

damn... this souds really mean... and it's not impossible. It's a business in the end and they can control it the more they want. I keep wondering what is the possible way for a small/medium indie comic creator; Webtoons have some mysterious ways and Tapas is investing harder on premium comics and novels. It's becoming harder and harder for us.

I was thinking about this, it seems a bit odd how their likes keep going up, one would assume it means readers are more aware they should like stuff to support creators, yet when I look at my comic and other discover comics, I notice a trend that the more updates they post the less likes those updates get. Like my newer updates get nearly half as many likes as my beginning updates, and it's not just my series that experiences that. I've noticed it with nearly all series in discover.

I kinda wonder why this is.

My subs normalized again....I think :confused:
In the past days I couldn’t get over 8k. I was always at 7999 or 8k. Now people start subscribing again in the normal rate per update.
My pageviews were normal all the time (about 9k-10k per update, last month they were about 8-9k. So I don’t see anything unusual here) same with likes.
I wonder if Webtoons had a hick up or a glitch over the past week which affected some with subs and other’s with the views...(like people couldn’t subscribe or views weren’t properly counted etc.)

How are you guys doing? Any change?

I have now recovered what I lost and the unsubbing seems to have stopped for hours now. I could tell more after I update tomorrow. Hopefully you're right @bear1 that all these were just temporary things.

In my case, I update daily, the last days i could get 20-30 subs per update, now im getting 1-2, and then someone unsubs and my net count is 0 :confused: . In february-march I was gaining 40-50 subs per update... I don't know... seems quite fishy :confused: . Oh and my view count ... well around 2k per update... now it's more like 500-700 :confused:

Well, time to share my recent experience. My comic was in the spotlight last week, so it got around 1.5-2k subs a day during that. As soon as I was taken off, my sub growth was even slower than before I was promoted. (250 subs during the week instead of 500 like I usually got)

Just updated last night, have been losing subs ever since like @SedateCanopy. Hopefully it balances out after a few days... (´;ω;`)

My subs went up + 10 today. Though my Viewers count is still no good.

Hey y'all,

We have about 7 comics published on Webtoons and we did see drastic changes after the 2018 pledge program change. Established comic like Sweet Boy has no problem getting views but our newer comics are suffering with lower view counts.

I'm guessing the reasons are:
1) They are pushing their featured content more than the discover ones.
2) There are more comics being published under discover and are now competing against each other for readers' views.

Look at our current stat and our last month's stat for reference:

What you can do is cross promoting your comics with creators with similar content as you. We're only posting on Webtoons because of the Patreon plege (who doesn't want free money right?) I think after this pledge we will just keep our comics to ourselves. The comic sale conversion from free readers to paid readers are so bad. Webtoons and Tapas are there to help you build a fanbase.

This is a trick you can do:
Looking at Webtoons algorithm, your comic will fair well if you update 9:01PM PST . This is their reset time. Your comic can rank in popular genre or weekly hot. Your comic will be good for 13-14 days until the next update. Realistically, your comic will be up there in popular rankings with just 2 updates per month. 3 updates per month ideally if you can update every 10 days.

Hope that helps! :smiley:

Damn, this is seriously... weird. Almost everybody is experiencing this, even big authors. Seems too much of a coincidence flr being just them pushing the featured content (what they always did... its not news that they promote feature content a lot). But, well.

I wonder what happend to BLUE LIBRARY webtoon series. I sub that webtoon last january since it was on spotlight. Is it dead already? Last update was feb 2018

3 years later

Hey guys, I know this is a three years old thread but, is anyone having the same issue right now?

@Rizzvatt I can confidently say I am. My page views are abysmal. I am not a big creator, only 1.2k subs. But 1 have gone from 1500 pvs a month in December to barely breaking 500 last month. I posted at the beginning of the month and in the first 24 hours only 138 pvs were from US subs and counted. I updated last night and only 83 page views. Something is definitely off!

It could be because of School. It keeps kids busy before summer and as a result they won't spend too much time on comics these days.

Yes, I've seen many threads about this korean original fatigue, these days, since the lauch week in march or april. People seem to be annoyed not only because of the romance ones, but also about the action avalanche, too. If they don't check originals probably they also wont touch canvas.

yeah, that is why i shift my romcom story with additional action suspense like shonen anime~ and readers like it~ but i wish readers don't give up that easily or turn off and have a give shot with indie creators likes us~ there's a lot of good original series with good art and story like distant sky~

I prefer reading canvas to Originals.... canvas have more varieties and many of the arts look professional too. I swear the originals' arts these days look the same one to another