52 / 100
May 2021

One bite of an overnight kuih-muih. (Indonesian cake dessert) Didn't see it had mold: moist, sticky & nasty. I didn't really eat it.

Undercooked KFC... that was so damn gross. No thanks to that experience, I stopped eating from KFC and chicken thighs. I eat breasts, wings and other parts except the thighs.

When i was a kid i used to eat margarine by itself. I just stuck my finger on the pot and ate it. It tasted disgusting, I hated it, but still did it all the same

I ate:

  • Cardboard
  • Dirt
  • 3+ year old food (yum!)
  • Ants
  • Sand
  • Escargot (snails are not for me)
  • Any food I dropped on the ground, so like, dirt/carpet/rock covered lollipops

This is why my immune system is so reinforced, and I rarely get sick :blush:

For disgusting
-leaves, I was a weird kid
-dried flavored crickets, it just tasted like potato chips.

For unusual
-Korean anchovies onigiri. It's OK but I don't get it too often because it will sometimes upset my stomach
-Japanese egg pudding, I really didn't like it

Dried yoghurt drops for hamsters.
They were kinda dusty tasting, but also sweet....

When I was a kid the local natural history museum did a temporary exhibit that included handing out chocolate covered beetles. Surprisingly not terrible, but pro tip: do not eat if you have braces.

Crunchy with a mashed potato texture inside. I don't remember exactly what they taste like, but I remember that the smell was not good :eyebrows:

Herring with peaches. Took one bite and washed my teeth afterwards.

God, coming to this thread was a mistake XD
The grossest thing I've accidentally eaten is a mere molded bread.

How is it possible to drink coffee without sweeting it up even a little? I love coffee, but for me it's just too rough and bitter to drink raw. I wanted to learn how to drink it without sugar as per my efforts to lower my sugar consumption, but I was unsuccessful.

I can't really give advice, as I only like coffee when bitter.
Do you have a problem with bitterness in general or just coffee?

I drink coffee without sweetener or creamer. I like the bitterness. I think it's just a flavor thing that some people may not be able to get over.

I like it the other way too, but if I'm very tired I'm more likely to drink coffee black as it wakes me up faster. Also if I'm wanting to wait longer for lunch I'll drink black coffee to lessen the feeling of hunger.

The most disgusting thing I ever had to eat would be....a cream puff.

I remember in elementary school we were outside at recess and one of the girls had a plastic baggy full of cream puffs (I thought this pastry was tasty looking).

So when she offered one to me I took it without hesitation. I bit into what I thought was something yummy and I was so very wrong. It was foul and utterly disgusting- the filling was sour but no I could not spit it out, I was taught manners and I swallowed.

I carefully edged closer to the trashcan and deposed of this monstrosity. Never again have I touched one and when I see one I get flashbacks of that sunny day at recess but I can say I never ate other more hellish dishes because they will NOT get close to my mouth.

Aww! That actually sucks because cream puffs are so good!at least to me they are, not sure about others