24 / 24
Dec 2021

My goal every year is to create art that's superior to what I made last year. Since I'm making a comic now, a lot of my focus this year has been on construction and lineart. Next year I want to learn digital art.

My current goal is to finish the first arc of my comic! It's tangible because I have my first arc outlined and each plot point listed, whereas in the past I've had a lot of 'false starts' because I didn't know where the comic was going so I lost motivation. Outlining can be a pain, but it does wonders for motivation as well as story structure!

i wanna be the very best like no one ever was! :grin:

to be a master! :blush:

Since I'm working on this single comic:

  • Be able to tell all my ideas for this story
  • Create printed books out of it.
  • Create more than 100 chapters
  • Finish the story the way I envision it.

For my comic series, i will do what i can to reach certain level when needed.

  1. Drawing bigger canvas. This is a slow goal for me to adjust cos' while some pages works when drawing at smaller canvas, something like large establishing scenes will need much larger canvas.
  2. Better usage of screentones: multi-layered tones are just not elegant for manga-styled comic.
  3. More confidence of penciling & inking. The hesitancy wastes much of my time.

For future goals: better perspective drawing, cos' i need it plenty for next arc.

my goal is to be an animator someday :smug_01:. we don't have enough money so i plan to create my own comic out of paper :sweat_01:. also my goal is to earn money to buy my first drawing tablet since i don't have one :sweat_02:

Right now I just want to get my story out there and finish it.

Lately, my goals have been about developing my upcoming comic3 and getting things done.
So far, I've completed:
* research, script, model sheets, logo, website, concept art, background practice, promotion, format/style decisions.

Currently, I have some new goals:
* Build a a buffer of posts for 2022 for my art tips blog.
* Finally start drawing the comic pages and build a giant buffer. Yay, can't wait!

And my future goals are just to finish my comic. Although I try to grow my following, I firstly make comics for myself. I just want to hold my completed comic all printed out and complete. :heart:

My goals lately is re-boot my main comic and everything else because I am not happy with any of it.

  • Get a better schedule

  • start scripting better

  • Build a solid buffer before posting

  • Get better at poses

  • Print and re-draw my 1st completed comic

  • Complete all of the older comics I have by 2025 latest by 2027.

Thank you!!! I try to make my website pretty minimal so it's easy to use on dekstop and mobile.
Best to you in all your comic endeavors as well!
P.S. Love your username.

My biggest goal would be less messy art. Or, more conceptually, I want art that never distracts from my content.
My art, for me, if very much a tool to tell stories. I feel decently happy with most of it, functionality wise, but I think my messy lines and sloppy backgrounds are the biggest barriers to where I want to be. Ideally, readers would never go 'wait, what's that supposed to be' or 'huh, that arm looks kinda wonky'

My overall goal is always to just keep going! My project doesn't have a planned end point, rather my goal is to keep enough future work planned and storyboards done that I can keep working on it as long as I want.

This overall goal breaks down into a lot of smaller, more immediate goals, like sketching out a particular character for an entire scene, or designing an environment, or basically anything that involves creative input that will get me a little closer to finishing. I also hope that in just continuing to plug away I'll keep improving over time via attrition.

My goal this week is to finish my usual page-a-week, even though there's a major holiday on Thursday (Thanksgiving, in the US), and I have a LOT of cooking to do.

My goal(s) for next year are to finish scripting chapter two, and, hopefully, to finish drawing chapter one. I'm not totally sure how many pages chapter one will be, but I think I'm roughly halfway through drawing it.

My other, non-time-specific goals are varied and hazy, but potentially include:
* Drawing maps of the world, and the major cities mentioned in my comic
* Creating 'travel posters' for the major cities in my comic
* Drawing detailed character reference sheets, including facial close-ups, turnarounds, and gear for the major characters. (Nice ones. Not the rough reference portraits I work from.)
* Hammer out all of the plot twists for the grand story arc

Long term, pie-in-the-sky goals?
* Have enough subscribers to make a Patreon worth it
* Have my own website
* Get my comic printed
* Design merch, like stickers,
* Have an artist alley table at a convention
* Etc

My goal is just draw something (anything) as often as I can. That way, even if I don’t have time to make comic pages/panels, I’m still improving my skills. :sweat_smile:

My goal is to create comics to tell the stories haunting my head. Art goals are pretty basic: learn good anatomy, worldbuilding, storytelling and anything else I need to make my comics a good reading.
Right now, I'm re-reading and re-watching all the comics and anime I like, to analize camera movement.

I wish you all luck :blush:

My comic goal is to complete my series ( : It doesn't sound like a lot, but it's going to take a lot of time and effort, considering that I planned it to be around 30 chapters long (... we're at 14 now!)

My art goal is to make my arts look like it would start moving if you blink haha
What I mean by this, is to make my illustrations interesting by the feel that something is happening there, either with details, background, composition or colours. I know the vibe I want to achieve, but it's hard for me to describe it :smiley:

1 month later

closed Dec 23, '21

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