9 / 12
Nov 2021

In this video, I’m going to be sharing what I was working on last month and my plans for this month. You’ll get to know my thought process, workflow, and maybe you’ll learn a few things about me as well. I hope this video motivates you as creators to see how other people make content. It’s hard to get myself motivated but making videos like this gives me something to look forward to.

Let me know what your plans are for November. I'd love to hear it.

  • created

    Nov '21
  • last reply

    Nov '21
  • 11


  • 586


  • 10


  • 5


  • 2


The third epiosde of comic is coming out on the 30th. (Very last day of the month) So I'm going over the thing repeatedly to find any flaws and correct them, as well as begin the writing process for the foruth episode.

A LOT of new merch designs for my next con
A new episode of my current webcomic
New pages for my upcoming project
A inksgiving episode

  • Make more music, bc of course
  • Experiment with some free audio plugins
  • Buy a digital amp for bass
  • Maybe buy a few eShop cards for the Switch
  • Catch up to the current anime season
  • Inevitably do some more editing of my comic script..
I have another goal that could happen if I feel ambitious enough, but it'll more likely happen next month or the start of 2022- I'll keep it a secret for now~

Right now, I'm grinding away at finishing my 100th strip that will premier at the beginning of next year. I'm also working on some new series. One of them, I have a good sense on where to take it, but the latter is still a work in progress. Needless to say, I am swamped for the month.

  • Change platform chapters to scroll format
  • Finally purchase a plan for my blog to
    • Reupload my comic on traditional with a more raw, uncensored version of what I want it to be
    • Get ad revenue
    • Post my thoughts on media (if I don't jump to youtube for that before)
    • Continue a spin-off at a slower, easier pace than how I handled it on tapas/WT
  • Post more drawings on social media
  • Get involved on Inktober for once
  • Try to get more social on the internet I guess? The forums is the most social I am, but I think I'm still pretty reserved

keeping it extra simple with tiny comics for my ask blog (at least till i get some q's) and then opening a few sketch comm slots on ko-fi to pay for work snacks and transit

there's other writing stuff i'm doin on the side but for now it's all leisurely and for fun