I looked up your comic on both Tapas and Webtoon and I think I might know what's going on. I can read the Tapas comic pretty well on my phone by pinching and zooming the screen, but Webtoon's mobile site doesn't do this. The text boxes on the Webtoon posting are just too small to read on phones. I can't garuntee this is the reason, but it could be a factor.
14K subs on Tapas vs nearly 11K subs on Webtoon.
5.2M views on Tapas vs 3.7M views on Webtoon.
However, I have higher views per page now on Webtoon as I got featured about a month or so ago.
Oh, and on Comic Fury, 60 subs XD
To be honest, there isn't a lot of difference between Webtoon and Tapas when it comes to traffic
Both have high traffic.
You will see a difference though if you go with Comic Fury or The Duck as they are less mainstream.
Also, there's no such thing as average reader for a comic. It doesn't work that way.
It's comparing apples and oranges and mangos.
I started at the end of October 2020 so It was ongoing for a bit more than 2 months and so far:
Tapas: 9k views, 927 subscribers
average views per update: 500
no. of updates per month: 3
Webtoon: 11.3k views, 588 subscribers, 9.27 rating
page view from first episode: 865
current page view after the latest update: 3,001
average page view per update: 1000
I can't really say which one is easier to gain subs since my stats on both sites are pretty close in numbers ^^ but you can tell which one has more site traffic/site visitors.
in terms of experience, in webtoon you may notice that the rating is easy to knock off when you're just starting, so its hard to maintain... but it becomes stable when a lot of people started leaving ratings so don't obsess over the ratings too much
I got almost 10x times subs/views on Webtoons, compared to tapas.
My comic on tapas: 102 subs.
Views on January: 146
Same comic on webtoons: 1,256 subs.
Views on January: 3,757
But the real important stats is that i have make 0 money on both platform. Like i can't get ad revenue on both since my series is mature.
I've seemed to notice that I'm growing a lot faster on Webtoons than on here? I've gotten 114 subs here, which took a little over a year I think? But in half-that time with no advertisement I've reach 113 on Webtoons? I'm not quite sure why?
It's kind of a shame, I like the forums here more than the kinda sterilized format of Webtoons (even though I just tend to lurk here usually). Once Webtoons catches up to my current backlog (Been updating twice a week there to catch up to here) I'll probably make the switch and Webtoons as a primary instead of Tapas just cause I seem to have more of an audience there.
Yeah. Same experience.
I have no social media presence so just by posting on webtoons, I got 2 series that went over 1k subs but took me almost a year for one in Tapas to reach 100 subs. I have no clue how the people that have more subs in tapas, did it. Maybe tapas audience just hates my style, dunno.
If it wasn't because of my stats on webtoons, i would probably had quit comics.
Tapas: about 2k views and 33 subscribers
Webtoon: about 10.5k views and 175 subscribers
Started making The Purple Ribbon end of June 2020 - it's our first comic too.
Appearing in the second genre helps a lot on Webtoon if I had to guess. And the recent canvas week coins event helped a lot of new readers find our comic there, which is really nice ️.
I had a weird experience. Before March 2020, I had less then 100 subs on Webtoons, after more than one year updating. Meanwhile, I had like 400~500 on Tapas. I did two things differently, though:
1) Every episode on Webtoons included 3 Tapas episodes, on average. So I had 3x more updates on Tapas.
2) I used to put that big ol' BL heart icon on the Tapas cover. Certainly attracted some people that would have ignored the comic on WT.
But then both of them decided to promote my comic during last year. Now I have twice more subs on Webtoons (5.3k) than on Tapas (2k) (and I also removed the BL icon before the promotions, it was making me cringe).
So I guess... While updating normally got me more subs on Tapas than WT, the promotion seems more affective on WT. I should try the BL icon on WT someday to test it, but I don't want 5k readers to see that now :'D I should have done this when I had less than 100...
My stats are lower on average cause my weekly update is a short traditional b/w comic page not a long colored webcomic one.
But I seem to get more interaction on Tapas (comments and likes) than on webtoon. I also find Tapas easier to use as a creator TO interact with your audience and generate more of a rapport.
Yeah, dang. Not quite sure what the difference is? Maybe people on Webtoons are open for different art-styles? Most of what I see on the Tapas front page is decently homogenous in it's art these days to me.
But that still doesn't really explain how they find'em? Who knows?
Also, glad to see you haven't quite comics!
My comic never got a massive start on the first day for either platforms or anything, and right now it's still only a couple months old, but webtoons is heavily in the lead with 40 subs, with tapas at 10. I think it's just that the reader base is larger on webtoons, so more people who are open to art like mine see it in the first place.