119 / 133
Feb 2019

No one will get this unless they grew up watching Chinese children's cartoons, but:

I measure childhood in cartoons. Speaking of which, I remember staying up until 11PM (which was late for me at the time) as a kid in order to catch the latest episode of Inuyasha. It's going to be the 19th anniversary of the first Inuyasha episode this year (I only know this because I play too much Onmyoji Arena and they're doing a crossover event lol).

I’m not sure when the first one aired in Germany. But I assume it was when I was still in Kindergarten, maybe early great schoold (mid 90’s).
I remember that I was in highschool when the seconds cartoon aired because I remember how much I disliked it and pitied ‘kids nowadays’ for not having the original cartoon (the irony, the earlier one lasted only for a season. While the other one did for five....which should indicate which one was more popular with the audience....I’m on team ‘loser’, I guess :sweat_smile:)

However, those ‘kids’ from back then are now adults and talk about the good old times with that (second) cartoon....which too me still feels like it was just recently released.
I guess those who would refer to the other one are in old folks homes and not on the internet. ....I should join them :joy: )


Oh god, that was the hottest program when I was in art school :fearful:

....I should stay away from this thread. I feel my body aging by the minute :persevere:

I’m kinda young but still there are a few things that made me feel old. Basically Disney movies.
Man, I can’t just believe that Frozen came out in 2013, I always feel like it’s from 2015/2016? And when I remember it I’m like “Girl, you are getting old” :grimacing:

Battleship Yamamoto. Saturday morning cartoon, and I probably have the name wrong.

I honestly have the same problem. Thinking something came out recently and then being shocked to realize that it came out much earlier. (I'm still coming to grips with the fact that Wreck it Ralph came out 2012 when I could have sworn it came out in at least 2013-14...) Also have the exact opposite where I think something came out much earlier only to find that it came out much more recently than I thought as well....

I still have a bootleg copy of PS 6 somewhere...was trying to learn it not only for graphic/design stuff but when I first started trying to digitally color in early 2001-2002.

@Lady_DarkStar Here, the cartoon was called Star Blazers(in the early 80s); me and my brothers used to watch it.

That Ash Ketchum is still 10 years old. :joy:

Letters. Real handwritten on paper and sent through the mail letters. I miss those. I used to like getting the mail and finding a letter from a friend. These days, I dread getting the mail, all it is is bills. YUCK.

9 days later

When I was really really little, I lived somewhere that didn't really have standard tv broadcast stations. Like for example, the news was prerecored in California then shipped to our island and played on the TV a week later. So because of this, there was not really a lot of kids shows. So someone, maybe my grandparents, recorded Winnie the Pooh off their TV in the states and gave it to us.

So the first show I remember watching was prerecorded episodes of Winnie the Pooh. And I continued to watch the tape even when we moved to Arizona and had standard TV channels.

Not really a childhood thing, but last year I realized people born in 2000 are going to college now. Which really messed with my head lol

I saw a meme on Facebook a few weeks ago regarding people born in the 90's. I was born in '92.
They used this picture.

The guys represented people born in the 90's. The tornado in the back was our approaching 30's.

This was my first video game yo.

Never played monkey island but did play leisure suit larry as a kid so i dig the click and point adventure games. If you ever get the chance check out i got no mouth and i must scream

Totally will look into it. My childhood entertainment was largely defined by Lucasarts games so I definitely still have a soft spot for anything similar!

Just a heads up, its veeeeeeery dark with a lot of psychology in it, but if it doesnt bother you, the story is fantastic!

omg...my brother and I played Leisure Suit Larry and my parents had no idea about the content of it! :stuck_out_tongue: My brother had to answer the question at the beginning to 'verify your age' so we could play :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the first computer game I played was King's Quest 3

too scared to even look at the new one that came out, it was a series that was a product of its time and probably could never work for a modern audience...