28 / 28
Feb 2021

If the artist uses too much shiny highlights/saturation in the colored version, then i’d prefer b&w. My choice isn’t strictly b&w vs color per se, but rather ‘shiny’ or matte’. I’d pick matte everytime whether it’s colored or not. But matte color > b&w. Because my poor eyes.

I actually don't mind B/W comic at all. In fact, it can look more impactful and cleaner, not many visual distraction, and allows the utilisation of some interesting effects. Traditional black-and-white manga still around until now, and many people (including me) still like it and maybe prefer it over colored comics. I don't understand why webcomic readers seems to be repulsed with uncolored comics.

From the artist's perspective, no color does not mean easy. You still need to convey the atmosphere and everything in black and white, but making them clear enough as there is no color to distinguish. However it does not need extended rendering to look good, looks more consistent, and saves time.

I LOVE greyscale/black and white comics, but I agree with those above that it does depend on the artstyle! I love greyscale when its very detailed and the comic is intended to be seen in black and white. Sometimes if a comic is only done in greyscale to save time, but there's not much intention behind it then I would prefer colour. My own comic is in black and white too!

I have a slight preference for b&w as a reader, and I almost exclusively create in b&w.
My problem with color is that when used poorly, it can really hurt the comics, much more than b&w. However, when used very well, comics in both b&w and colors are equally good... so overall, I’m generally less dissatisfied with b&w, and I’m equally in love with both.
As a person (and a creator), I have a very binary logic, and b&w is generally better at expressing that. I generally don’t even use greyscale, b&w alone has enough technique to create almost every structuring or light effect.

I prefer to both read and draw comics in color, though if a black and white comic is good, I'll certainly still enjoy it!

I like both. Some stories are better portrayed in black and white. With more complex scenes the shading in black and white comics can be confusing though. Best color palettes are old school comics.

I much prefer colour! It draws me into the world and the mood of a page/story so much more effectively than black and white. Plus, when used well, it can be utterly beautiful.

The trick is, it has to be used well. If colour is your weakest attribute as an artist, don't use colour in your comic. Bad colour will detract from your work just as enormously as good colour will add to it.

I love comic noir, so black and white is my choice.
But in general it depeds on the kind of comic

I mostly read mangas, so what i read is usually B/W.

However, for making comics, i feel i had to do it with colors, because my art/writing is not good, at least i put the effort to color and shade and all that.

Colouring is my fav part of making my comic, an older comic I had was B/W and among other issues I had with that comic I found working with B/W boring.

As for reading I'm fine with both!
Although I wonder if I'm the only one but... with B/W comics/Manga I want to see at least a sketch of the characters in colour? just so I'm not imagining their colour palette completely different that what they actually are loool.
I remember reading a bunch of chapters from a comic and being shook at what the characters colours were when the author revealed them... it was a very unusual colour palette...

Color done well really adds to my enjoyment of a comic. I also enjoy (but am not very good at) coloring.... yet I do 9 out of 10 episodes in black and white because it's much faster, and enables me to keep to my update schedule.

I must admit I prefer colours for both, though I do not mind reading B/W. I really would draw it though, I want y'all to enjoy my love for colour.

Either one is fine, honestly. I think color is more eye catching and appealing if it's well done though.

I... can't answer this because it depends on the type of comic. If it's manga then B/W. If it's a vertical scroller then colour. Even though most webcomic series are in colour I still do mine with B/W.

normally I'd go for color however there are some comics that I don't mind being in black and white- Tokyo Ghoul is a good example of this

I prefer working in color, personally! I like doing lighting studies and such in grayscale, but I vastly enjoy everything about coloring from the flatting to the effects rendering. And the colors themselves. I have made a gray scale comic before and it was also enjoyable, but I think most of the time I would choose color.

For reading I don't have a strong preference. So long as the art is clear and easy to read, I enjoy both color and b&w comics a lot! And there are things in each type that can add to and take away from clarity, so that doesn't really matter.

Both. Some comics I had to drop because their choice of colour schemes hurt my eyes. Sometimes black and white is better. Not just because someone is still learning colour theory- sometimes one can have an artstyle where colour can detract from the rest of the art.

Now, I've done both and I prefer to do work in colour. However I usually don't because it requires time I don't have.

I don't really have a preference, but voted for color because that's kinda what most comics I read are. I would also like to shout out art styles that make use of a limited color palette.

there was this comic I used to follow on Smackjeeves. It's called Rabbit Hole and has this really cool limited palette art style that uses just 3 colors.

I don’t have a preference when it comes to reading, though I feel that there are things black and white can do that colour cannot in terms of atmosphere and sometimes letting the reader use their imagination more. Colour i feel makes everything well defined :slight_smile:

I usually choose to colour my webcomics because I don’t have the confidence to make greyscale look appealing enough. If I could I would definitely use it on a series or two :D)