1 / 6
Oct 2020

Hey guys, hopefully this will work just dumping a picture here, but I'm trying out font sizes. I want it to be legible on the phone, so let me know if the size is legible and clear or far too small (I tend to be too baby sized) You may have to click on it to see it full sized on your phone. Not sure if there's forum UI that'd make it smaller or too zoomed in or something since I use the forums with my desktop.

Forgive the completely out of context deer and the completely out of context dialogue. This is just for the font after all.

  • Too baby!!!
  • Just right
  • He Big!!!
  • Other (go ahead and describe in the comments if like this is impossible to read for other reasons)


  • created

    Oct '20
  • last reply

    Oct '20
  • 5


  • 373


  • 4


  • 4


  • 1


I opened the forums through my phone to check lol. I think the size is alright. Reads perfectly even from a distance.

I use the forums through my phone as well (I always do), looks just fine to me

just one last little bump to see if I can get a few more votes in there. Looks like I'll be keeping this size, though.

Looks fine on my phone (forum pic, not enlarged, on iPhone 8)