2 / 105
Apr 2021

Not sure which category to post this in, so here, haha. Title explains it all. What is something your FBI agent would be concerned about being in your search history even though you were only researching for your story?

Due to the setting of my story and the fact I wanted my MC to experience things as realistically as possible I ended up having to look up Asian slurs several years ago. At the time, I literally knew of only one slur, which is pretty sad the fact I have to clarify "only one". My MC is Japanese, in America, and meets some pretty questionable people who he ends up becoming enemies with. So I knew they would call him every name in the book to try and hurt him and just be all around assholes to him.

It made me so uncomfortable actually typing it in the search bar and into my story. I felt like I needed to clear out my search history, my cookies, everything :weary:

The fact that this is a story about assassins and I've looked up plenty about murder and weapons, but researching slurs is what made me uncomfortable...really says something. But I didn't want to leave it out because this story is about my MC overcoming the obstacles in his way and unfortunately, it is a very real problem he would be faced with.

Researching bog bodies (and other naturally occurring mummies), rates of decomposition, as well as various kinds of plant poisons definitely made me consider what kind of person my search history is painting me to be :sweat_smile:

Lots of poisons and their effects/uses (for alchemy), and a bunch of trashy harem isekai light novels (for a character that's an isekai protagonist parody).

Not sure which is weirder.

Where in the torso you can shoot someone without fatally injuring them. And I couldn't get a straight answer, so it was a pretty dang thorough search!

Oof yeah, that is an uncomfortable subject to be researching. I can imagine the terrible things that could be stumbled upon.

For me, I've recently had to research forensics about how dead bodies should look like after being submerged in water. I think by now, the FBI should know that weird searches are either by criminals... or writers. :joy:

Lol all of these searches are FBI worthy. In a wonderful way!

I looked up what kind of armor cavalry wore in 1734 because I needed to know if the MC could f*ck with it on. You can! Its just a cuirass and maybe an armored coat. if the fbi is reading my search history they think I'm a horndog and they're right

Not something weird that I had to research, per se, but a bit of the Mandela effect at work (thought it might just be me). I swear that griffin referred to a lion with wings, but apparently they've got an eagle head as well. The animal I wanted was specifically just a winged lion, though, so naming the species griffin was out of the question. As it turns out, the most common term for a winged lion is shedu, which is Persian in origin. I thought it was pretty cool to find out new names for a mythical animal.

Oh, and also where in the body you could be stabbed by a wolf's claws and not die (grievous injury is fine, instant death isn't). That would probably fit the question better.

Here's the link!

Ugh, yes.

I have this image in my head of FBI officers sitting around a computer, coffee in hand, all arguing if the search history that just popped up is from a writer or actual criminal.

FBI 1: No, come on, look! It's obviously a criminal. They're searching how long it would take for a person to die in the middle of a desert at peak temperatures! They obviously plan to dump someone off!

FBI 2: slams fist on table Look at the other search history moron! After that they're looking for reference images for a cabin in the woods!

I started a horror comedy comic with a cannibal character and for someone as squeamish as me, I feel like everything I research makes me uncomfortable. I'm greatly disturbed by all the real world cannibal stories that everyone keeps sending me. Also every time I look up images for reference drawing I have to be really careful how I word it because those searches can be really risky for me.

But in particular, just the other day I learned a lot of details about what happens to bodies that need autopsies... Let's just say I'm happy I never became a medical examiner... that job is really not for me.

This is probably the most disturbing thing in my search history (so far):
"How do human trafficking works during the 17th century"
"Are there some humans being auctioned during the 17th century?"
followed by auction terminologies, flower languages and different types of medicinal plants who were suddenly banned, poison plants and their effects, crest and signet rings stuffs, how to preserve a body longer and stuffs like that

--- It's for a scene in my story and it's the opening scene,( it was set in dark fantasy btw) where the MC should've been a consignor for the auction but he was suddenly auctioned instead....

I've lost track... my search history literally includes the words "this is for a book okay" on stuff like that.

Most recently though, laws on cannibalism between farm animals.

And child labor laws in Romania.

Palermo catacombs to research what mummies look like for my draugr and antagonist.

It makes me feel weird because those were actual people once, but Hollywood mummies and zombies weren’t great as ref material.

Probably the Poison stuff, because I mainly did it with my school account and not realising it. Till I got the e-mail form the dean :sweat_02:
Also it took me an awful lot of time to find the right poison :sweat_01:

And I will never forget the hours it took me to get all the correct names from the right century, things I should know but also don't know :smile_01:

My FBI agent probably sits in front of his PC and just thinks "How did this girl get into a good University?" and shakes his head :slight_smile:

Historical-Fantasy BL

Anglerfish and deep sea creatures, to get Lorelei's design right.
I also googled loads of Scottish folklore monsters, and how to wear a greatkilt.

Only few of these have appeared in the series, and in the series I consider my portrayal is tame as my series is light-hearted. Still, I give a bit warning and I put it under spoiler.


Topics: miscarriage, birth defects, ways to self-harm, necrophilia, and grooming.

What would people think of me looking at pictures of stillborn babies and miscarried fetuses? Normal people look for images of healthy and alive babies, right? What will people think of me looking at those? For the upcoming chapter I am looking for a syndrome because it will be vaguely portrayed; for some, said syndrome might be a bit disturbing.

About the last two mentioned, no shit that I am feeling uncomfortable researching that

A lot of alcohol questions for the upcoming part two of my novel:

  1. How to open a wine bottle without a bottle opener (with your shoe, apparently)
  2. How many servings in the average bottle of wine?

so... yeah. Not too uncomfortable for me, but not exactly something I want on my search history, you know?