1 / 24
Jan 2022

People like drawing many different things, but what about the things you struggle with or don't like to draw? I feel the most common difficulty is hands and feet, so let's try acknowledge more unique drawing drawbacks.

Mine would have to be clothing, I find getting all the wrinkles right hard and it ends up looking stiff.
The good thing though about knowing your art flaws is you learn what you should practice.

Feel free to put link's to your art or comics, here's mine if you want to see my drawing improve.

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Clutter. Backgrounds in general are rough for me, but there's something particularly hard about making a place feel lived in and organic, and it's something where google images and online models don't tend to help as much.

I think the biggest struggle for me is to draw consistently. At least I can bypass that problem, by drawing a lot of different angles in each panel, which also makes the scene more interesting :,D

Hands. I would often have trouble drawing them with consistent quality depending on what they're doing. They're the least favorite part for me to color as well. When I'm almost done with them, I tend to think to myself "I just drew more sausages"

Although I've gotten much better at it, shoes are still surprisingly hard to draw, and I still don't know why. For this reason I often opt to draw boots instead. So if you've seen my comic, now you know why pretty much everyone wears them.

That's a pretty dope building though, for someone who finds it hard to draw buildings :stuck_out_tongue:

If that counts as a thing, then lowkey same :'D

But I think my vote has to go to lineart (which is arguably but also arguably not more of a thing than 'consistently' :P) I like to use sketchy lines and fudge the details, but when everything looks neat, it's harder to fudge the details because it'll look wrong in contrast to the neatness of the rest of the drawing :'D

Buildings are the hardest at the moment. I'm still learning how to use the vanishing points and perspective rulers. The problem is when using rulers, it looks good but... lifeless. But if using freehand draw, it looks rough. I just realises that background drawing also involve some style in order to blend in with the characters. So... it is not easy.
Besides, i have less problem drawing animals and monsters.

Oh I know what you mean about the perspective rulers. I usually do the sketch with rulers/perfectly straight lines. Then, for the lineart I do it freehand so it looks more natural.

Architecture, hands, and trees. I know none of those are related but I have to draw a lot of them, and it sucks :blush:

Cars, technology, guns... basically a lot of the clutter of the modern world/modern action stories. Especially things like cars, which are so familiar that people can tell immediately if you get it wrong... and they are infernal combinations of clean, hard lines and semi-organic curves, making precision inking (I do this by hand, with a pen) amazingly difficult.

...I skipped a large portion of this headache by going with a fantasy/medieval setting for my comic.

Bottles, bannisters, anything with a symmetrical curved surface where the two sides have to match. I draw freehand on paper so mirroring tools aren't available to me.

Oh hecc, I know right? >:'D My decision to go with a sketchy style is the ONLY reason I think I might survive the process of drawing my modern-setting comic XD

My biggest struggle has always been the cities. I tried looking at Humankind games city and even total war cities and castles and even pictures of historical cities but I am still not satisfied. Still trying though.

Specifically, crowds. I can draw my characters effortlessly, but crowds- they scare me.