
Ragtime Moz

Australia m.tapas.io/series/Ragtime/info

Working on a comic about musical battles and syfy mysteries!

Dec 20, '20
Last Post
Dec 22, '22
Aug 3, '23
Trust Level

I know there are a lot of comics and stories on tapas so I was wondering how do people involve science into there creations? Do you try and make you science as accurate to real life, or do you do the opposite and make the most outrageous syfy technologies, or maybe something in between? I wanna he…

What is the best Australian webcomic you know of? Are you Australian yourself ( like myself ) or maybe in your story your characters go to Australia? Just want to know the other Aussies out there making comics. My character Rat is based off of an aboriginal character actually. Show me your comi…

What has been inspiring your stories lately? While I was working on the latest chapter of my comic I started to read the manga Baki. I started to notice I was adding visual effects and other art techniques in the Baki style. Feel free to show off your work and show off how it's growing! Also che…

I just made a little music video for the first chapter of my comic Ragtime! Worked on it all day, just something to try and attack people to my comic. Hope you check it out and enjoy it!

Just got my most recent chapter out for my comic and it took me a lot longer then usual. Simply because I had to get a job and make money, what a ridiculous world right? I'd say I would get to draw about 4 hours, every 2.5 days, almost every week. Sometimes more if I'm lucky but it's just sad know…

Let's see what you think is the best artwork you've ever made? Dosen't even have to be a drawing or painting, just want to see your best art! I think my best piece of art is this, its not for my comic. I drew this for a friend for their birthday, not friends anymore but still put a lot of effort …

From start to finish, how long does it take you to fully complete each chapter? Also how long is each chapter? Can you finish it faster if you really pushed yourself or is your art speed maxed out? For me it takes about a month to finish 15 to 18 pages. Could probably do it in 2 weeks if the …

How distinct would you say your art is, or even writing? How many creatures have you found that could match your skill? Sometimes I go looking through different comics and other digital arts, but I've never really found something that I'd mistake for my own art.

They say a good artist copies, a great artist steals. I'd say that's pretty true but people are creative enough to take their favorite things in life and express them through their art. So if this is true then who/what are your main characters based off of? For my main characters Felix and Rat. F…

So which camp do you fall under, did you learn to draw from art classes in school/college or did you teach yourself everything you know? Maybe it's a mixture of the both where you learnt from books or YouTube videos. For me I'd say I started off teaching myself but during highschool I learnt a lo…

What kind of world do your characters live in? Is it based on Earth or are they on a different planet? If so what's it called/like? Do they travel in outer space, if so what's the solar system/galaxy called? Are they just in a cartoon world or a god realm where the world is pretty much endless o…

I did this piece for a friends birthday, think it might be my favorite drawing I've done. Even though I see flaws in it. [image]

This is the introduction of the main villain of my first ark of Ragtime. Lurking in the shadows, spying on our main hero's! He gets properly revealed in the next chapter after this one but this is the first time you see him. [image] Make sure to check out my comic Ragtime if you found this intri…

I was wondering who else has stories based around music. Maybe you have a character that plays an instrument or maybe you have a songs that is ment to go with your characters. My story is largely based off of the musical world, using instruments as weapons, conductors redirecting attacks. Would…

[image] Here it is! Also if anyone picked dog, seals are just water dogs so, two birds?

What animals do you like? Id love to draw some for my comic Ragtime, I like to do a cover drawings of my main characters hanging out with different animals. [image] In the future I hope I can have fans to send in suggestions. If you want to see more of my art check it out!

My main character Felix's weapon is a trumpet, but he could use any instrument to deal damage! If you want to see him fighting in action then make sure to check out my comic Ragtime! [image]

Starting off I'd say the best artist tip I ever got was to be full on motivated to get into the art industry. This student art teacher that told me this used to have art shows in his garage, and would call up museums all the time to see if his art would be displayed. If any of us can find as much mo…

I was wondering how many people are doing their comics black and white or in colour? My comic Ragtime is more of a mixture, where it's in black and white but all the sounds effects are in colour. This isn't something new to comics but I'd love to know what you use colour for, if at all. [image…

My comic Ragtime is largely inspired by shonen jump manga. My main inspirations would have to be One Piece, Kenshin and One Punch Man. I make my story it's own ofcourse, but I do have similar page structure and character length. If you like syfy adventure stories with strange power systems then che…

Whenever I can't think of anything to draw and I'm sitting alone in my room, my brain repeats the same words over and over. Draw a duck. I don't even like ducks that much but it always pops into my mind and I have to fight the urge. I was wondering if anyone else has similar experiences when not b…

My story Ragtime is largely a scifi adventure. My world is filled with unique technologies, robotic and alien races, dystopia landscapes mixed with futuristic cities and much more!

Right when I was putting my comic up on Tapas a guy messaged me saying he was going to call his comic Ragtime, the name I picked for my comic. Two comics called Ragtime coming out a few days apart, what are the chances?

How long have you planned ahead for your story, and have you thought about how long it will take? I've been working on my comic close to 3 years now and it's not gotten very far in. Hopefully later in life I'll become faster at creating comics or get a team to help me. Right now though I reckon it…

This one is not quite complete, still some shading to do, but this is the last pannel of my latest chapter of Ragtime. [image]

This is from my next chapter coming up for Ragtime, still gotta do some shading to the piece. Check out Ragtime if you want to see more of my art. [image]

What got you into starting doing art or writing? Maybe you started recently, or maybe you're a veteran. I remember really well entering a draw competition when I was about 10, I'd just figured out that you can draw characters from shows. I tried drawing Gotanks from DBZ and I was just so happy tha…

My story is a representation of my brain and when I first started my story it was at one of the worst moments in my life. The first chapter specifically is a depiction of how clouded my brain was, like trying to look through smoke. Those drawings my emotions smashed together to make a story, I'd nev…

People like drawing many different things, but what about the things you struggle with or don't like to draw? I feel the most common difficulty is hands and feet, so let's try acknowledge more unique drawing drawbacks. Mine would have to be clothing, I find getting all the wrinkles right hard and …

Thankyou for starting to read my story but I would describe the first 2 chapters as a representation of the entire series. I drew that stuff 2 years ago so a lot of the things you talked about I'd already adress. Also there are points in my story where I wanted things to feel unclear, I've got a di…