29 / 38
Feb 2022

Strengths: a very nice snowman. He has telekinetic powers at his disposal. He’s intelligent, quick-thinking and deferential to authority figures.

Weaknesses: secretly, he is cold and manipulative.

Okay! Here's my babyboi Toby!

His strengths:

He is very enthusiastic and nice. He is very outgoing and often approached people himself. He has no problem taking on responsibilities and helping anyone in any way he can. He is very loyal and has a strong thrive to make people around him happy.

His Weaknesses:

He can be quite the burden with his hyperactive non-stop talking and moving. Sometimes he acts reckless by doing something without thinking about possible consequences. Many times his drive to help everyone around him can make him neglect his own wellbeing and health. He has a lot of self-doubts and often stumbles over his own words.

Follow his silly lil story <3

8 days later

Here's my character Naota Nakaoka.

Biggest Flaw: He's a narcassistic jerk who uses his harem as a way of showing off his status. Due to him losing his looks in the stick figure world, he has no choice but to study the beauty standards of that world to show off again.

In short, he's a superficial d-bag who doesn't see the beauty deep within.

What's his power?: He was rich and good-looking, but now there's not much to him. The only thing that he has is his brain which is like anime to the TENTH degree. He's able to adapt very quickly and slip out of situations whenever he can.

Btw that pic on top represents his ego and how he struts around with it despite losing everything.

Strength: She's a princess who can use spears, daggers, incredible athlete skills

Weakness: She's a mop

All right, a little look at the psychology of Rekki Lune...

Rekki thinks her greatest strength is... literally being really strong.

And Rekki thinks her greatest weakness is that she's never as strong as she needs to be and she lets those who rely on her down.

But if you ask the people who care about her, Rekki's greatest strength is that she is always willing to shoulder responsibility. If there's a problem, but solving it requires getting your hands dirty or risking pain or even death, Rekki is the first one to roll up her sleeves and get stuck in, and she'll always put on a brave face while doing it so nobody feels bad for letting her take the brunt of everything whether it's physical, emotional or even political.

Rekki's greatest weakness is that she is absolutely desperate to be significant and important. She can never just be "a really good knight and a dependable friend", she always has to be "the strongest knight ever, whose achievements are legendary and definitely live up or surpass to those of her peers and famous family members!" It means she was easily manipulated by a certain authority figure into taking on disproportionate responsibility for crumbs of approval.

Rekki is really in over her head in so many ways (more to come on this in upcoming pages, hehehehe).

My MC, Cameron Berkeley’s greatest flaw is his anxiety mixed with people pleasing. He has spent his whole life at the mercy of others, because he is too afraid to say how he really feels. His strength, however, comes from his concern for others and patience.

My other MC is Alastair Malum, who’s biggest flaw is his depression which feeds his overwhelming guilt and self-doubt. He constantly is worried he isn’t doing enough and struggles to accept himself. His strengths are his stalwart sense of right and wrong, ability to understand others, and dedication to creating a better world.

They both balance each other as Cameron patiently shows Alastair how to accept himself and Alastair encourages Cameron to pursue what he really wants.

Check out Nonconforming if you like BL and soulmate stories. :slight_smile:


Strength - She can become very obsessive, achieving amazing things while throwing everything else into the wind

Weakness - She can become very obsessive, achieving amazing things while throwing everything else into the wind

OP described this dilemma perfectly.

I think my main character's a little bit of a mess, but let's see if I can get a summary running of June, main character of Urban Wolf.

First of all, she's a highly capable swordmaster. That tends to count for a lot when you're in a city with a bunch of drug cartels, and she can be a little handy with more than just swords. Her vocal range is also pretty good-oops, I might be foreshadowing a little too much.

As for her actual personality? She's rather observant and focused, with a degree of austerity that I'd think most people would almost covet-cool, but never too freezing to pop off a few fun lines when among people she can reasonably trust. But above all else she's pretty tough physically and mentally, able to harden herself into doing the kind of things nobody should have to do if that's what it takes and avoid breaking down when it actually counts.

Now to the bad parts.

That psychological hardness is kind of a weakness, though; it leads her to being very insular, and she never seems to truly let out whatever feelings she might have within due to a lack of outlets. This combined with a bad environment and a history of keeping it all inside leads to her sense of morality corroding over the course of the story. Not completely or all at once, but by degrees here and there. Though given how much trouble that was giving her, maybe that's just her way of adapting. After all, damaged people are dangerous because they know how to survive.

But yes, the silent misery of it all is a pretty annoying side effect as well.

Strengths: Hinan boasts extraordinary speed, strength, and intelligence. As the daughter of two high ranking soldiers, she is blessed with genes superior to those of the average person. A prodigy in both swordsmanship and fire manipulation, Hinan is well above most adults in terms of skills and all-around lethality.

Weaknesses: Because of the way that her family raised her, Hinan has developed an almost psychotic mindset. She lacks empathy towards those she does not find interest in. Hinan won’t hesitate to kill people that she feels are against her or her values. Unless she can fully trust someone, she truly is a bitch to a lot of people.

Again, she is not a Villain lol.

21 days later

Rip Vykirson from my series Dragon Sparking biggest weakness is that he's prone to tunnel vision. His biggest strength is how dedicated to his ideals and any given course of action he can be. He's all the way in, all the time.
Strength and weakness for him are both tied together. Dedication can easily give way to harmful stubbornness. He also doesn't adjust to change easily because of that, and can have undirected anger take over his decision making progress easily.

Vivian Chambers - protagonist of Oni Hunters

- Able to process information at an amazingly fast rate.
- Strong memory (can recall past conversations and events almost flawlessly)
- Unique sense of humor

- Utter lack of social skills
- Does not easily trust other people (with the exception of her childhood friend)
- Crippled self-esteem and self-confidence due to childhood traumas
- Co-dependency issues to the point of an irrational obsession which can cloud both her judgment and moral compass
- Very frail and weak, physically and emotionally

I'm actually glad you asked that question: because it's not supposed to be a joke.

The whole point is that Naota resurrected as the most basic stick figure there. Like those generic bald stick figures you see everywhere (which I assume are Caucasian due to white paper lmao). That and I wanted to name him John Johnson (which believe it or not, has MASSIVE significance to the plot).

THAT and the point was not to give him any traits he'll take advantage of... because again, he's very adaptable.

Not only that, but it adds to the mystery of if he really did reincarnate or if he's just an otaku that needs to chill out (next episode touches on that). After all, he acts more like a fictional anime character than a real life person which should be taken into note.

There's also a third twist that I won't spoil; but keep in mind that I knew what I was doing with this specific plotline and it'll pay off really well.

Also also: I didn't say being caucasian was a flaw. Naota was just monologuing like an anime character. Again, going with the whole concept of him not acting like a real person.


She is smart.

She has problems controlling her emotions and also sharing them, also she is hypersensitive to sound.

How it's connected to the story:
In the comic it's shown, how she got emotional issues from her childhood and relationship with her family, how her hypersensitivity made it worse and results of these problems. It's also shown how she studies in university and creates a device for telepathy with her studymate. This project in the end will be used to show the results of Aster's emotional issues.

1 month later

closed Apr 3, '22

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