Soldier, mostly because I physically can not stay on my feet for long periods of time. I am also way too emotional to hurt other people. Also had a friend in college who used to be in the military and had PTSD.
Farmer, I am a vegetarian so having to raise cows and chicken just to kill them would upset me. Even on farms that aren’t focused on meat, how they impregnate cows and what they do to sheep tails is sort of gross.
Politics, I can’t stand politicians. All their assistants are annoying too. Also wearing a full suit in summer, boo we really need to update men’s work wear.
I suppose anything with high stress and low purpose (which is quite a few jobs, now that I think of it!). It's one thing to work in a crunch environment for extended periods of time, but if you don't even believe in what you're trying to accomplish? That's a killer.
For example, I'd hate being something like a data analyst working on a scammy mobile app, or a game dev working on microtransactions designed to milk whales. I'd feel like I was actively using my skills to make the world worse, even if they paid me a lot.
Not meaning to be "That Person". Normally killing the animal is the job of the slaughterhouses, or hunters, butchers just chop up the carcass afterwards. There are some smalltime places where the butcher does it, but it's very uncommon.
Relating to the question, I actually had a job I really hated a few years ago. It was basically a data entry job in the military, there were too many of us in my field so they put me down in the corner of a basement office, inputting the same paperwork over and over again as "busy work", for a few years. I wasn't allowed to do anything but look like I was working, it was awful, like existential "Is this why I'm alive?" awful.
Other than that I could never be a teacher, because I genuinely can't deal with kids. Anything where I'd have to do public speaking or board meetings regularly. Cooking in a restaurant or being a waiter, both are very thankless jobs that don't pay enough. Call centers, absolutely not.
Most people in this thread are being super serious, but my first thought was 'standup comedian'. ^^;
I guess if you wanna be cute, you could say even actual standup comedians hate their job, but regardless of how much I could hate or enjoy it I really just lack any and all of the necessary skills. I'm not a quick thinker, I don't write standup-type humor very well, I can barely even emote with my voice. I'd just be a disaster...
Oooh, my first job last year was a little like that. There just wasn't enough work for all the new hires to do, especially not for me.
Only instead of being given fake busywork, this was just...not acknowledged. Like, I didn't get trained to do anything complex, I'd finish all the basic tasks I could do in the first two hours, and for the rest of the day I had to look busy or get scolded.
And honestly, even if I didn't get quietly laid off within 3 months (seriously, at some point they just stopped calling) I don't think I would have been satisfied filling bottles and sweeping floors and pretending I could fix the analyzer in the back...I went to school to become a scientist, not a glorified janitor. ;/
I would NEVER want to be a Janitor again, that job made me want to actually die.
Anything in the health field since there's a lot of patient flip outs and I don't have the mental strength for that. And I've just been a patient all my life so I want to be away from hospitals.
Veterinarian -Ironically a job people suggested I get for a long time. My friend has that job and I hear horror stories all the time. I don't think it make it past the training.
nothing that reminds me of my impending mortality daily!
I think I'd be best suited for like a dog walker or babysitter lmao (i haven't renewed my license in 10+ years ;w; )
I don't think I would hate it but I wouldn't be able to be a nurse or doctor, mostly over the emotional stress that several of them go through besides being overworked and understaffed. Or well, anything related to another individual regarding pain, this is why I didn't do much gigs with hairdressing or manicure, since I'll be worried about hurting a client with sharp objects or wrong movements.
Another thing I wouldn't like to do is Cleaning service, I admire and adore the people that work of this but my cleaning experiences were always negative while growing up, and even at home sometimes it ruins my mood despite it should be a relaxing activity and I always enjoy the outcome.
I hated working at a call centre. I got paid too little to be forced to sit there the whole time with small breaks in between. I had a hard time convincing people to do surveys so they sent me home early a lot. Negative people who pickup the phone were mean. I did mostly just mess with microsoft paint most of the time though, that was the highlight.
Man that sucks! Those over filled jobs are the worst, they wouldn't be so bad if the boss let you do stuff to fill your time (Like messing with a language learning app, drawing or something like that.), but "that doesn't look professional". Honestly I would have preferred to be laid off, the sucky thing about the military is you're stuck until you manage to discharge, or your signed-off years are up.
What's sad about the one I had there were a couple times when they put me in a position that I really liked, working with some pilots whom I meshed with, and the job kept me from getting bored. They were determined to get me back in the corner of that basement though. I had a new supervisor come in who wanted me to push for high ranks, but by the time she got around any interest I had was totally destroyed. Plus I can't do board interviews you had to do to rank up, they're so much worse than a regular, civilian job interview.
Doctor: too long study years ..basically study lifetime ..persons life in ur hand ..long anytime works ..
i like bio but cant do ut forever
Engineer: i am teriible at science that explains it
Accounts: maths is hell for me
Artist: i personally am a design student yet people call me artist i hate it theres a difference in artist and designer ..i work on problem solving and concepts though i like animation it doesnt mean i will draw ur face when u ask for .literally everyperson i meet asks me whether i can draw there face all i say is yes i can but i wont cause i dont want to ..thats not my work
artist have to draw whatever u ask them they work on perfections and skills i work on idea , imagination and concept
well i dont prefer any job where i have to work under someone unless its some work experience and all
Funnily enough, as someone in grad school, I'd hate being an academic researcher XD A lot of it's applying for grants and funding and constantly justifying to people why your project is important and why they should give you money. It's like if constantly searching for a job is your job. I don't regret going to grad school, but I feel like I've dodged a bullet by realizing this early :'D
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