18 / 26
Feb 2021

My upcoming comic has an ensemble cast so I'll quickly align each of them~ Notably this is a D&D adaptation so they had alignments to begin with... but I think several of the players missed the mark with their initial assumptions xD For the ones whose character sheet alignments I know I'll list those as well.

Adoro is definitely Lawful Good. He's a cleric, a noble, and the main character in the group who is trying to win the contest to become the next king. I don't have access to his character sheet alignment, but I would suspect also Lawful Good.

Noel, Adoro's bodyguard, was my character. His alignment is also Lawful Good, although I had written him down to be Chaotic good. Usually when I roleplay I lean that way, but his role of group tank and stark loyalty to Adoro made lawful good make way more sense xD

From left to right:

Two, the rogue, definitely Chaotic Neutral. His character sheet says true neutral, but that's not accurate- he's a little bundle of chaos xD simultaneously a degenerate thief and also the group mom.

Jaegen, the wizard. He's... probably Lawful Neutral. I would say he mostly leans towards good but also has enough chaotic moments that I think neutral is apt. I don't have access to his character sheet either.

Colletta, the sorceress. She's definitely Chaotic Good. Her character sheet said so as well. She always aims to do the right thing, but she's also a firecracker (literally and figuratively), likes spontaneously combusting, yelling at enemies, day drinking, but is also the team grandma and liked to knit us team sweaters :slight_smile:

I have a number of hero characters, but I'll stick with the main protagonist for now. He's Neutral Good, leaning slightly into Chaotic Good at times.

Very decent chap, and while strict rules are for schmucks, he would like for everyone to just be nicer to each other, please.

Hugh is somewhere between these two. He has a father who is lawful evil and he is a pretty obedient son, but on his own he's chaotic neutral.

Despite his aggro appearance here, Rip is just plain...Good. He doesn't care about anything except doing what is right. It doesn't matter who is doing the wrong, if it's hurting someone, you can bet Rip will step in.

My MC Aina definitely falls under Neutral Good. She tries to do what's best and right in any given situation and, though she likes the comfort and structure that being part of a group or organisation gives her she's not bound by them.

Each one of my "Stories" Protagonist do have different allignment that make them different by each other:

Jadie: Lawful good - She is a person who does care for others, and act as a mother for everyone, altough this sometimes allow Her to be naive and forgiving even to those who aren't exactly "Good People".

Alfredo: Chaotic Neutral - He is a kid of special need, and most of the time all He want is to live a life like other kids of his Age, at the point to cause a bit of a problem to those around Him, despite not having the intentions.

The Redheaded Misfit: Chaotic Evil - This guy is as unpredictable as Mysterious, living all by himself in a mine, with thing He stolen for his own Enjoyment, and what more thing He might be planning is still up in the air.

Nana: Lawful Neutral - Being the Patriarch's scribe, Nana is a harpy very much dedicated to her job and purpose, and rarely takes a position, especially if such goes against Her duties.

Dr. Plague: Lawful Evil - He is a person who, in order to ensure safety to a dear one, or reach its goal, is capable of exploit the system at his own likeness and make thing much easier to him, altough, his actual status as "Evil" is still quite debatable.

Eryk Solbourne sees himself as a Lawful Good, or possibly a Lawful Neutral.

Others don't quite see him that way...

I'd say Gunhild is neutral good, Thor and Sif are Lawful good, and Loki is chaotic neutral.

Suren is chaotic neutral, which she truly has to be if she is to regain her own agency and bring change to her kingdom's culture.

This is actually a good question. Never really thought about it tbh :sweat_smile:

Thinking about it, I sometimes feel like writing her right on an edge of being "Chaotic Good" and "Chaotic Neutral".

She is her own individual, not really giving a lot on what is going on around her, and is actually just out there for herself, but on the other hand, she wants change, she wants to make it better for some. Thinking about it even harder, in her whole origin story she changed her alignment through her journey two times to become the person she is now - a free-roaming thief with a love for stealing, keeping to herself (and her partner), helping out her few friends and finding the answer to something she is bound to.

Enkal a lawful good nerd surrounded by chaotic good bounty hunters. It stresses him out.


Vernon is more of the MC, and falls more on the chaotic good spectrun. Helping those in need with not even a question and being a goody two shoes is his main thing... Other than the crippling depression he gets from being a self sabotaging martyr all the time.

Azreth is more pulled towards the chaotic neutral spectrun pending towards evil, reason for that is he cares about Vernon and Grey and that is pretty much the only thing that keeps him from indulging in his darkest side like he used to before the plot starts, only caring about sating his vices. He does have a code of conduct, but nothing strict or defined, and he is a bit of a sadist... Especially when it comes to people he considers evil.

Grey on the other hand is somewhat lawful neutral, he is very methodic and likes to help out people when he can, but doesn't go out of his way to make a good impression or make people happy, often being straight up rude... He doesn't have a respect for authority perse, but he does think about the things he does very carefully meaning he is the most level headed member of the trio, and so tends towards the good side of the spectrum.

Lyza is, definitely, good. She's the hero type of person. She's between Neutral and Chaotic. She can be quite sympathetic and kind to the people who she wants to protect but once she unloads on her enemies, she can be quite remorseless even though, she wouldn't necessary kill them. She's against killing her enemies, in general.

My main character Luca Vincenzo is probably chaotic neutral or chaotic evil, he's not evil and is not interested in doing whats right per say, he just does what he wants and comes of as selfish, but he can do the right thing on a whim or if put in a situation where he just does it without thinking.

Well then, my main character Ava would be, based on the references, Chaotic Good or Neutral Good. She's not evil, and wouldn't necessarily go and harm others without reason. However, she wouldn't go around saving just anyone. She's more focus on her own survival and those close to her. She doesn't have a good opinion of nobles because she has seen them do some questionable things.

8 days later

I think Kovreil would be Chaotic Good/Neutral. The idea for Kingdom Come was based on the basic concept of a story where the villain is more heroic than the protagonist and vice versa. So, he became a sort of anti-hero character. Ultimately, he just wants to give his people peace and hope for the future, but he's also very impulsive and gets into more than a fair share of trouble. He has a "demonic" reputation since he fights so aggressively, so I don't think most people who'd heard of him and even some who know him personally would really call him a "good" person.

For most of my other story ideas (which I haven't turned into comics or otherwise yet), I think the protagonists usually fall around lawful good or chaotic neutral, but there was one who I'd say is lawful evil. I've also had antagonists that were lawful good or true neutral. It really is bizarre how they could be any alignment just depending on how you tell their story and what side you tell.

Eric is somewhat open to interpretation, other characters may believe he is chaotic neutral, or lawful evil depending on what situation they encounter him, in one story arc I have planned he goes off the rails and I'd say chaotic evil. Generally, as the author, I'd say he sits at lawful neutral. The best way to describe him sometimes is "morally flexible"

Andrew is an odd one. He doesn't necessarily shirk rules, only when he needs to, and is neither good or evil because he just does what he needs to do.

However, he does undergo an alignment shift when he uses his inner powers. They have a side effect that alters his aggressiveness, which makes him a Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Evil character when he uses it.

((Not gonna selfpromoto, my link is in my profile