15 / 21
Jun 2016

I listen to Pop cuz I can sing loudly and off key as I draw and its super up beat --its a guilty pleasure

I usually listen to j-pop, i.e. ops and eds to anime HAHA! I get distracted listening to Spanish or English music because I understand what they are saying so I start dancing or singing, but with Japanese music I can only feel the emotions/music so I don't get distracted as much lol. I just go on youtube and let the autoplay feature play video after video after video.

I do this too, but I feel like I get lost in the wilderness when I let youtube autoplay for too long... but I've found some pretty awesome stuff that way.

I listen to a lot of videogame and movie OSTs - right now, I've been listening to the Child of Light-OST on repeat, but I've got a playlist with a bunch of Okami, Zelda, Amelie from Montmartre and House of Flying Daggers - and also a bunch of instrumental music that isn't part of any soundtrack; it's just wordless.

But that's mainly for the thumbnailing/planning stages of the comic - I do 95% of my drawing (sketching, inking, colouring, etc; ie most of the bits that don't involve handling text or plotting) while listening to various podcasts. A lot of them are narrative history podcasts - The British History Podcast, History of Byzantium, History of Rome, Revolutions, You Must Remember This, etc. - but I also listen to a bunch of others. Lore, for example, and Welcome to Night Vale (though I'm a 1-2 episodes behind on that), Alice Isn't Dead, as well as actual play podcasts of tabletop rpgs, like The Adventure Zone and Friends at the Table and I also recently started listening/watching Critical Role.

Listening to podcast episodes help me focus on working for longer chunks of time (the podcasts I listen to have episode-lengths from 25 minutes a piece all the way up to 3+ hours), and also help me from getting bored and rushing through the bits of drawing I enjoy least - like bamboo forests, or rooftiles and paving stones.

I have a separate music folder full of The Script songs. The dreary breakup lyrics notwithstanding, they make really comfy melodies. Especially when it's raining. That makes me very productive.

I listen to whatever I feel in the mood to listen to. It depends on what feel like listening to that day when I sit down to create. I need to just start making playlists, but I dont always feel like listening to the same certain songs in the same order.

I use Google play while drawing, the playlists are pretty good. Or I listen to podcasts/Youtubers.

I mostly listen to alternative rock as I work, and some of the older stuff like U2 and The Calling, but sometimes 21 Pilots or a bit of Panic!At the Disco here and there.

Mostly rock. I have a deezer playlist that i use basically everytime i draw. The kind of rock may vary with my mood.

I listen to a variety of stuff when I work but my faves are classic rock and hair metal. LOL Love my 80's rock!

If I'm drawing, I sometimes listen to youtube videos playing in the background. I also listen to a lot of Eddy Kim, Beenzino and Giriboy.
If I'm writing, I listen to classical music as it helps me concentrate.

Hmm I'd never really given podcasts much thought so I looked some up and found an interesting one on the history of English that I think I'll try. I do sometimes listen to non-music content on youtube. Online news outlets like AJ+, TYT and Democracy Now! are interesting though listening to the news too long gets depressing haha. I've also listened to speeches and debates by famous figures - Malcolm X being a recent one- that were pretty inspirational.

I listen to podcasts most of the time. SleepyCast most of the time. While it's content is very silly and stupid most of the time, they sometimes thrown in some truely inspiring stuff, along with some cursing.

@El_Psy_Congroo I really recommend podcasts! Of the ones I linked, the British History Podcast is an excellent one to start with. The host goes into a LOT of nitty-gritty historical detail, but he does it in a way that's also fun and entertaining, with reoccurring jokes and stuff for long-time listeners.

It depends, when I feel like listening to music, I sometimes just listen to anything going from mainstream stuff to Kpop to Jpop to old hits to rock to hard rock to jazz to classical music and so on.

Though I often catch myself swimming in nostalgia, listening to the sims makin' magic soundtracks or old songs I heard in games and movies. For some reason it always motivates me to draw. smile

When I don't feel like listening to anything, I watch Supernatural and Let's Plays on youtube.

I mainly listen to soundtracks (instrumental)! I love them!
They help me to reach focus.

I mostly listen to pop or rock! Mostly songs that are full of energy and make you feel pumped c:

Classical music is good when you want to really focus though I find. You don't get hung up on words and such idk!

A few days ago I listened to Spotify's playlist "life is good" and picked out some songs that were kind of upbeat and such!

Thats pretty cool. I've actually produced music for my comic too, but I haven't gotten to the point in the story where it fits haha. Out of curiosity, what software do you use to produce your tracks?

20 days later