35 / 110
Jun 2023

Yep. I also hate the new Tapas idea.

...so anyone in GlobalComix? This is an excelent moment to try a sell speech =D
I know I will be there for my next project, but it seems that the webcomics industry is trying hard to make me leave their star sites anyway.


Thanks for reminding me of the numbers I'm probably never going to reach at this point, Tapas.

Yeah, this is how it's been on mobile for a while. Not happy about them bringing it over to desktop, lol.

Also came to the forum to check about this bizarre change. They should at least offer an option to get back the old bell-shaped notification icon that had a drop-down.

And while we're talking about this, there was also that recent change that got rid of the old icon for seeing updates to comics, with a new icon that takes you directly to your library. That was a big step backward too, as it also eliminated a convenient drop-down menu, one which made it possible to go directly to the newly updated comics, whereas going through the library means it now requires extra clicks. Furthermore, the old menu meant it was possible to see the last updated comics sorted by when they were updated—not just unread ones—and it showed when they updated. This was a very nice drop-down menu; why on Earth did they eliminate it?

We had such a nice interface up there... is anyone seeing this? Is there any chance we can get back what we already had? :disappointed:

I'm afraid not, this seem to be some kind of slow big redesign to make app and website the same, which as always mean mobile-like and awful on desktop flashbacks to eclipse update on deviantart

A while ago when they started doing this, I was told the notification blasts were a way of promoting stories that Kakao thought were important, despite the stories not fitting with the readers preferences.

Just made a tweet about it and I genuinely think this was the worst design choice ever. Like, who even thought this was a good idea to begin with? Now we'll all get spammed with stuff we don't care about...

Like, when I saw I had 78 notifications I was like "Woah, did someone start reading my comic?" and then I was met with huge disappointment. I miss the good ol bell icon, I really don't understand why they had to change everything!

I read your comic to make up for it :slight_smile:
Great comic, by the way.
Home it helps! x

I'm feeling the same way most others are here. Yeah, sure, promote if you like, but make it a SEPARATE TAB.

Also, is there any way to clear the box? I keep hitting "read all" and they never go away. Never become read.

It's easier to do on the app, you just scroll to the bottom and press "clear all" and that gets rid of those notifications.

My comic is not allowed on the app, and I don't have the app XD I'm too old and curmudgeony for what these young whipper snappers are doing.

Legit, my phone is for texting, calling, and finding bus routes. I can't chance getting it hacked XD

Edit edit:
Edit edit edit I give up on life. It finally cleared

What gets me is that a lot of these are comics already featured on the home page. If I wasn't interested before, putting them in a list won't change that. :joy:

If I was going to check out any of them, it would be the originals or community titles, which aren't really there.

Just wanted to chime in! Looks like shit! Thanks Tapas. Oh, and I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever read these generic churned out imitation manhwas no matter how many guns you put to my head, you can pull the trigger on me I do not care to see these things anymore

Yeah, seriously, the more they try to shove them down our throats the more I don't want to touch any of their premium series out of sheer spite. There was once I time I'd look at what's promoted at the top of the main page but now? nah

Wait it's doubly bad.
I just realised that it's not only the initial 5 billion message notifications we got the problem, it's ongoing.

Every time we get a little red "1" notification now we aren't going to know if it's an actual person or spam and have that same emotionnal rollercoaster.

Every. Single. Time.

They've reinvented spam email.

Yeah, I'll admit the 75 notification was a little suspicious to me. Combined with the change in icon, I thought it was a glitch, so I wasn't let down too much when I saw that it was all premium series. Logging in to see the much more reasonable "1" and finding out it's another premium series stung a lot more.