60 / 110
Jun 2023

On mobile you can go to preferences and turn off push notifications individually for the different Inbox categories because there's no red number on the Inbox icon do you have to go by push notifications.

I obviously turned off everything but "activity". Hopefully there's a way to do that on desktop that we just haven't found yet.

Same, for the most part when it comes to mobile notifications, hopefully they'll have stuffed this somewhere, well time to do a little digging.

I go on holiday and think of checking Tapas and see this idiotic change. Well I cleared by using the mark as read method.
Today got a bunch more. So we're expected to do this on a day by day basis?
One more nail. It's not like I get any more dedicated readers anyway. May as well just build my own website let my readers know and move on at this rate.

Hey all! I'm sending a big fat email to Tapas today with my thoughts and opinions on the new inbox.
Was hoping to have anyone's consent on screenshotting your thoughts too (and censoring your usernames) so that I may make a master email about this for the Tapas team to see.

I wanted to do it this way, just in case they only get a couple tickets about it. Though... I'm sure there's a lot more, lol. I just know some people don't like to even bother with this kind of stuff to push change, so I'm hoping to put a variety of voices in the email that make suggestions and share opinions about this change in particular.

I hope to describe to them that these changes, though seemingly small to them, really affect their user base... particularly the creators! We're all here using this platform to be a part of a community-driven network to reach out to people with our work and essentially get our work SEEN. This doesn't make us feel very seen... In fact, it makes us feel like they've lost touch with what the community of creators needs.

Please let me know! I'll wait till end of day, and whomever consents to me quoting you in the email, I'll be sure to include you. Anyone who doesn't respond or says no, you have my word that I won't screenshot or quote you in the email! :smile_01:

Feel free to screenshot my comment (or this one) requesting their promotions be on a separate tab from the activity and messages. They want to promote? Okay, fine, they're going promote their comics. But make their promotion messages separate from legitimate fan/reader messages. It just confuses and enrages people cause they're wasting time on stuff that, were they interested, they'd click from the front page.

Also, I request they fix their "read all button." It takes several clicks in my experience to work (seen others in private discords complaining about this.

Last thing, I don't know if it's just me, but when I get to my own activity, and I've noticed that clicking "mark read" along side one highlighted message is clearing every single one. I plan on screen recording this myself and sending it on, too. I thought it was maybe a glitch, but it's happened two days in a row now, and I keep track of which messages/activities I've viewed that way.

@Calculus_Homework Thank you, also for reaching out. I've messaged them about a couple things, and get tired of having a spotlight put on me as kind of a complainer XD I appreciate you doing this!

Yes, I noticed that Mark all read only works after you press the button a few times (no particular number) in both Messages and Activity and then also reload the page, so it's very much a bug (I'm using Firefox).
Honestly, as a creator it's terrible to get a notification thinking someone left a like or comment, just to find out there's a free premium comic episode is being given out.
I already opened a ticket, but reaching out with more people's messages sounds great, @Calculus_Homework, feel free to screenshot anything from me.

Another 5 popped up today. Great fun. I just bookmarked my subs/notification "activity" tab and just access this broken ass website that way.
I'll just let them spam the bag for eternity I guess.
They wont get read. Ill read what I want to thanks.

Please quote me, I want them to know the bile I have over t his change and have always had over these stupid changes that have been made over time to promote their relentless stream of premium garbage no one reads. We finally escaped having notifications about these things in our inboxes for like a year, and now they've gone and made an even worse system out of it. Have received 3 updates today, on a comic page update day, that were not about my comic. Demoralizing. Garbage.

I don't mind my comments being quoted. At the very least, I hope they'll consider separating the premium comic notifications from the activity stuff. As other people said, it's really disheartening as a creator to get those notifications thinking they're about your series only to find out that they're for premium stuff. The drop-down list for activity was really convenient too. I hope that comes back.

Being able to mute the premium comic notifs (or having them gone completely) would be a dream come true, but that may be wishful thinking. At the very least, could they include more community series?

I'm also not really understanding the difference between the Gifts and Messages section, or why they're called that. Calling promotions "Messages" is just confusing.

Can I offer a meme in in this trying time

I tried blocking the accounts of the spam comics in my inbox marking them as spam accounts (because that's what they are), hoping that it would make the comics go away from my inbox, but unfortunately, they're still there ._. I will still block them because I don't care who you are or on what platform you are, if you spam me I block you.

I feel like a lot of cliche comics get promoted. I'm not saying they're bad, but for me they're stuff I'd never read. Like never. And I've found a lot of great comics/novels on the forums, and most of them don't even have more than ten subscribers! In some cases, less.
I don't know. Forums are helpful, but I also want genuine readers. Readers that don't just subscribe because I've asked them to but also because they like my story. To be honest, I myself haven't read all of the Novels I'm subbed to, but I plan to do so in the future (plus, I do read a few episodes before subscribing).
Basically, what I'm saying is that Tapas should start promoting good comics/novels that don't have a lot of subs. What's the point of promoting something that is already so popular?
Also, has anyone ever noticed how most of the only popular comics have anime covers?

What on earth is going on... Just logged on Tapas and saw 79 notifs for those free eps when I had no interest at all in reading them.
What are they thinking??

The only way I found to reset it is to click the icon and "mark as read" the section. But every day they add new webtoons and novels there :sweat_02:

Unfortunately, "mark all read" doesn't seem to be working on Firefox :cry_swag: been trying multiple times since yesterday, could get rid of a grand total of one (1) notification... out of 78 :cry_01: marking everything as read from the phone app doesn't seem to do anything for desktop either, despite the account used being the same.

I also don't like how activity notifications have been pushed all the way down to the end and how the very first thing you see when you open the notification page is just... premium comics ads.