1 / 10
Jun 2024

OK, I haven't been here in a while because of MANY distractions. And while I'm still excited to finish UBERNATURA, I don't think I'd have time for these:

The differences are: Fulmine Astra of course takes a great deal of time (yeah I know it doesn't look like it) and space, this device even gotten to a state where as I'm writing this it's constantly stopping me with "Low storage" warnings.

The other: Accursed Odyssey , all of it's previous notes are gone and so I've been meticulously rewriting drafts then fixing them before posting, which takes more time than I ever thought it would...

The biggest differences between them and UBERNATURA is that it's already finished and it doesn't take up space as it's stored online and I can just copy and edit what I already did. Plus, I'm excited to fix the ending as I remember being in a rush and didn't have time to do that properly. Meanwhile the other 2 are basically being redone without any references and take up grievous amounts of space.

To get to the point: I don't think I'll get time to finish them nor do I want to keep anything unfinished on the profile/trick people that more is coming. Should I just delete Fulmine Astra and Accursed Odyssey? If someone who read either is reading this, do you like them? Or do you not care if they exist anymore? There's little chance I could finish them with less time to draw and remember/recover plotpoints

One more thing: I see numbers still going up and down on some of my stories: thank you if you're a reader who still are coming here or have newly arrived to my seemingly dead profile, and read anything​:star2:

  • created

    Jun '24
  • last reply

    Jun '24
  • 9


  • 389


  • 1


  • 13


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Well, I read some bits and pieces. Not really my thing, that is, my subjective opinion, nothing more.

I don't see why you can't keep them both going. Just slow down your production cycle and upload as you finish.
I had to slow down drastically after a ton of life events, lost subs and views, half my interactions but oh well :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep going and see the end of your stories, even if it's for yourself. A finished piece is better than a scrapped half done piece of work!

Best of luck, cheers!

Work for yourself at a pace that you can handle. If the audience you do have isn't willing to allow you this, then you never had them in the first place.

Adding to the growing chorus;

Yeah just slow down, do it for yourself in the first place. This isn't a big corporate project you're working on. You have no deadlines, no budgets, only yourself.

Work at it at your own pace and enjoy the process of making it.

I myself have come to terms with the fact that Trespasser will probably take me another 10 years or so to being closed to actually finished. Maybe it will take even longer, who knows. But as long as I enjoy making it, that's all that matters to me.

All the views and the subs and the engagement is fun and all, but that's not the end goal for me.

Haha thanks. It's been a massive undertaking that's for sure. I imagine that once finished it'll span close to 600 pages :sweat_smile:

Damn I see, I had a project around that size and scale. Couldn't bring myself to touch it with a ten-foot pole yet; seeing as I'm far from capable of doing so. I decided to work on smaller things to build up my own experience and skill.

I do have the advantage of having experience in starting and completing smaller projects. Thanks in large part to my animation education.

I'm also just not build for small scale stories. The current version of Trespasser is actualy a scaled down version of the earliest concepts haha. I don't know what it is, but I just cannot stop myself from creating large projects. haha.

The uptick is that I like working on it. If it was a chore to work on I wouldn't be doing it and I would have moved on to a something different.

Some people just want to create and create xd good thing you've got the means to back it up! Good luck man!

haha yeah, I'm defintely the kind of guy that, if left alone for too long, will have imagined a new project to work on :joy:

Hell, I'm not even finished with my current project and I'm already thinking about a potential sequel and spin-offs.