20 / 29
Aug 2021

Haven't had my comic yet but i'm just dropping by because this thread's awesome :joy: It was so fun reading through these

Also I cant be the only one who's supremely intimidated by the new submerged map

These are fun to do xD Here are my characters, plus two unintroduced ones.

the names of a few of these characters are kinda spoilers so i opted to put down why they're in category instead

absolute bigbrain players here

Definitely wish there were a few more option, I might tweak this later when I have the time ^^

I didn't feel like using in-comic images but I also didn't wanna get my drawing tablet from my room. I swear I drew these in Clip Studio; I just don't know how to draw with a touchpad. The comic looks so much better.

As you can see I have a pretty colorful cast of characters

Sooooo.... For some reason I wasn't able to download the template... But, here goes.
Steven would get killed immediately
Pearl would be sus of everyone/the detective
Nora would be the imposter that gets caught immediately
Tammie would know who the imposter is but nobody believes her
Tanzanite would get ejected even though they aren't the imposter
Mari would be the one they always trust but are always wrong
Amy would have a mental breakdown because she can't swipe her card
And Garnet would be the imposter that never gets caught

Hope ya liked it, here's my link.


I shared this template with some RP friends and we came up with a few extra ones:

  • Always first to finish tasks
  • Imposter duo that wins in 3 minutes
  • Always wandering around the map, lost
  • Never sure which color they saw
  • Never gets to be impostor, but wants to
  • Always gets impostor, but doesn't want to

Since The Ghoul is basically Among Us already, decided to only use the cast from it:
