36 / 47
Sep 2022

1) In addition to the invisibility, I think I'm very perceptive of what people hide under the surface, whether that's an emotion or their true personality. Or if they are acting in a way that seems unusual or irrational, I am good at figuring out the real reason why. The ability to be sensitive, make connections, and read between the lines has been super helpful in literature classes and for reading tarot cards.

2) I don't know if it's a superpower, but I'm also patient and methodical, maybe to an excessive degree. Like if I see that it's possible to get from point A to point B, and point B is worth reaching, I don't really care how time-consuming or complicated the path in between is. This has mostly been helpful for filling out paperwork and dealing with work/school bureaucracy :sweat_smile: The problem is that I definitely don't work "smarter not harder" and fail to see helpful shortcuts as soon as other people do. Some people actually get frustrated when they see my way of doing things like cleaning or writing.

3) Related to #2, I actually enjoy untangling Christmas lights and assembling Ikea furniture!

Low food intake. I very rarely have three meals a day, only one proper meal sometimes, two if I'm going out to college or something. If I'm at home I'll often forget to eat until the evening. I'd be great in an apocalypse with very little food available!

I can give myself goosebumps!
Only learned last year that that's not a thing everyone can do lol

One of my friends asked me if I was cold because I had my goosebumps out (I push them up when I'm bored). I said I was just playing with my goosebumps and they had no idea what I was talking about. No one else I've asked knew what I was talking about either.

It's such a warm and sparkly feeling. I was shocked that it's not universal.

I guess my superpower is when I worked customer service jobs, I genuinely did not hate the customers. I do like helping people. I can understand that some people can be difficult but I also understand that some people might be having bad day and it is best not to hold grudges. I will sometimes have small chat with strangers. Some people might think it is odd because I am an anxious person, but I am definitely not anti-social.

The only thing that comes to mind is calming people down, making them feel mentally safe (if I'm not already scared by the same thing), because I can easily separate myself from other people's emotions and talk very reasonable and calmly. My ex was really (and I mean really) anxious and I was able to help him return to the ground most of the time (this was the case with other people too, but he is the most extreme example)

I worked in customer service in the 90s, I still think about some funny phone calls sometimes.
Some made it as running gags in my family. I loved the job, it was the easiest time of my life
because I only worked from monday to thursday and only from 7-11 am but the company
fired me :frowning:

My uncle always talked to strangers and he had that weird talent to pretend to know them
since forever. I don´t know how he did that and I would like to be able to do that too

I'm proud to say I am a professional fly murderer, using nothing but a small napkin just so i'm not bare handed. I wouldn't call my reflexes good in general? But for some reason when it comes to visually tracking objects I can see them in slow motion.

Killing flies is hard, so good job. I'd almost like to see you in action with one of those electric tennis rackets.

i have SUPER LOVE! :blush:

you get a SUPER LOVE!
and you get a SUPER LOVE

I can manipulate the future. And I mean down to TV level timing, I believe I have control. The one issue is that it's limited in scope.

For example: If I say casually in a conversation that I'll be free on Friday night, I'm going to be free on Friday night. Even if I forgot I had plans, the universe will somehow get rid of that obstacle until what I said about being free is somehow true.

There was one time I promised to throw a friend a birthday party, but I forgot until the day of. I don't know how, but somehow someone showed up with a cake, another person showed up with balloons, and another person had sodas. Keep in mind these are people I don't know. They just happened to walk in and were like " hey I have this thing I don't want, so you can have it" and somehow it was all the stuff I needed for a party.

But sometimes I accidentally use my power when I don't mean to. For instance if someone asks me for 5 dollars and I tell them I'm broke. I check my bank account and actually have 200 or so dollars. But thanks to my power, somehow in two hours I end up losing that money or having to spend it until I'm broke.

And these examples may seem like little things, but they happen so often it's improbable.

But again, there are limits.

I can't intentionally summon things or make things happen perfectly. Like I can't say to myself " I have 100 dollars" then it magically appears. But if I casually say " I have 100 dollars" while talking to someone, and I honestly believe it, the universe makes it happen. I think that might be the main limitation. I have to

  1. Have another person involved

  2. I gave to make a statement that I myself believe as if it's already true, but it isn't

And then the universe makes it real.

But I cant

  1. Use it to make perfect coincidences happen

  2. Make something untrue happen, if I know it's untrue.

I call it Nonchalant Summoning.

(warning: woo woo stuff)

I can summon some wind outdoor when there's no wind.
I can make small part of the cloud disappear/evaporate in a few minutes.

I practice them once in a while. It's self-empowering.
Could be just coincidences, or my imagination, who can tell?
I don't need validation from others.

Aerokinesis. Try it yourself it may work for you, children of nature!

I have amazing vision and intuition that lead me to empty parking spots and help me find people Im looking for.

I’m very calm so people tend to find assurance when talking to me

Domestic animals also loves me for some reason.

9 days later

I can quickly find any Bible verse without looking at the table of contents.

I am also good at mental adding and subtracting.

1 month later

closed Nov 10, '22

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