45 / 45
Mar 2023

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Being unclear: I've gotten this feedback since my school essay writing days but somethings that I think are clear as day are apparently unclear from the reader's POV.

Talking scenes drag on in one stationary scenery: I've been trying to be better about this ever since I watched a youtube video addressing this sort of writing issue but sometimes when I'm pressed for time and/or are tired, I do fall back to it.

Too many sentences (in the draft at least) are long, complex monsters that need to be cut down to size.

What’s Your Writing Flaw?

My scripts are so fire the smoke detector keeps going off and waking everyone up.

For mine I think is the flow of a story and how good the reader can understand!
If I could draw I would surely do comics because I like reading them and I like the story-telling of comics but since I'm untalented I ended up writing light-novels

Sometimes I feel like I can't deliver a scene I imagine in my head the way I want and probably ruin the scene and for other times I don't know how to smoothly change the scene, I have been writing for a year now and I can tell my skill has greatly improved from the start but I can still see the flaws and always trying to get better

I have dyslexia, so maybe common grammar errors that I sometimes don’t spot. My professors also told me my writing was too “casual”, which might not be too much of a problem if I am writing dialogue.

For plotting, I got somewhat inspired by the film Vertigo. So I do sort of having these stories that sort of make your head spin. I had a writing professor say that some countries teach to write research papers like a spiral where you only learn what the point is at the end. So maybe my flaw is liking this style of writing.

I'm just unable to write novels in general :T

I wanna get into novel writing but like... I dunno if I'll ever be able to pull it off.

I cannot for the life of me, describe anything or I overdo sentences with extra words :cry_02: I know I stopped writing for a couple of years but when I came back to it I realized that my writing is prose like, no descriptions of where my characters are or even what they look like. And then when I go back and read it Im like UHHHH I don't think the reader will read your mind and know that the character is supposed to be sitting down with a pen between his fingers in an office lmao.

I'm in love with world building and at times I fear I go into world building tangents too often and might hurt the flow of the story.

I also get too wordy at times, with over complicated descriptions

I admit, I have no flaws.

Just kidding. I think for me it's comedy. In conversation I think pretty humorous, but it's pretty difficult for me to write comedic interactions and scenes. Also, I don't write enough speaker tags so sometimes it's hard to track of who's speaking when.

I'm not a writer but my boyfriend and other people pointed out that I spend too much time explaining the context or the background of an event before telling the actual fact. For example, when I hear a rumor at work instead of telling "I heard this two people are dating" I start "oh, this guy that works in that department, the blond one who taught me to do that, is now dating that girl who went out with the boss of that other department".

I don't know if my father influenced me (he is even worse than me in this) or if it's something I started to do after a teacher pointed out I explained things pretending I was talking to someone that already knew them, cutting all the details.

Another thing one of the major flaws is doing first person pov writing. It was hard for me because of the repeating "I". As of right now, I looked up Chuck Palahnuik about writing and he talked about "Submerging the I" where you have to use less "I's" and tried to write first person without using too many "I's" by focusing on the MC's surroundings/people around them.

I'd say a big flaw of mine is I tend to hyperfixate on the big emotional/'climactic' scenes, always thinking of now things to add/change and writing them over and over, but totally neglect the 'in-between' scenes that the story needs to make sense :'D

Also I suck at descriptions, but that's why I don't write novels :stuck_out_tongue: What's the point of choosing your medium if you can't use it to hide your flaws? :smiley:

Actually getting to writing. I actually think I'm a good writer but I just don't ever write.

I have gotten some comments about my dialogue being too verbose whenever I ran into issues not having not having enough room to fit speechbubbles and the characters into the same panel. And upon further inspection, they probably have a point. Examples that come to mind are episodes 7, 8, and 9 but mostly 7 and 9. Now for context, starting in 2021, I began rewriting scenes for my comic's first chapter 1 because it was 3 years old by then and certain parts of it didn't age that well. This ranged from changing how scenes playout out to make them less rough and more interconnected (because looking back, a lot the scenes weren't connected in any way and it felt like stuff happened because they needed to happen) to rewriting/rewording dialogue scenes to be more punchy. This is important because around the time this was happening, I had gotten asked if English was my first language because of the amount of spelling and grammar errors in my comic's first episode (errors I have since made corrections too) by a discord user I had shown my comic to. I know he didn't mean that as an insult but I think that caused to be scrutinize and nitpick my own dialogue. And I feel that's what led me to make the dialogue more verbose and text heavy so no one would assume I didn't speak English even though its my first and only language. That and rewriting scenes out as if it was a movie which, shocker, doesn't work for comics.

I do actually wonder if this was a recent thing and was a symptom of not writing a chapter in a novelized fashion for 4 years, or was always the case and I never recognized it until now. I have skimmed over some dialogue exchanges in the chapter drafts I wrote before starting to draw my first chapter back in 2019, and it doesn't look like the latter might be the case. I am planning on looking at them in detail once I finish the first chapter so I guess I wont fully know until then XD

Procrastinating. Not much to say besides that. I mean I do have other flaws but that is my biggest flaw.

I’m an underwriter. I see the scenes in my head like a movie but I have trouble describing them in writing.