20 / 20
Aug 2023

Found this meme on Twitter. I thought it'd make for a fun thread.

When did you reach the point where your characters are like the second little guy?

For me it was literally the third arc of Season 1 (Episode 28-34). Everything before that was just your typical Tapas romp. Since then I revealed that the main character's existence has been a lie and then that's where things turn all Metal Gear-y with the plotline where Elites capture Isekaiers as slaves.

  • created

    Jul '23
  • last reply

    Jul '23
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I feel like with Errant, it's a weird double-dip. There's a lot of stuff set up in the prologue, and then we take a break from it and it's like wheee adventure! Stuff getting punched! Let's get to know these characters! ...And now all the stuff that was set up in the prologue is about to become very relevant again... and it's going to be delicious.


Mine comes much early, on page 4 of the prologue. My MC is still in his mother's womb and has yet to be born. The reason is that my MC's story is set in a pure medieval fantasy and I have to give exposition dump for readers to understand where my characters are set in and what's the situation in their surroundings. It was on page 46 that my character is born and his story begins in the first chapter.

I've been sprinkling it throughout my story, but a whole "flashback" chapter is coming up to explain a characters' origins, so I'm trying to figure out how to make it meaningful.

The current chapter I'm working on (7)

Chap 1-4 silly fun romp
Chap 5 things get Dark
Chap 6 things get Dramatic
Chap 7 the big reveals happen.

It starts to show in Chapter 3 and by the end of Chapter 4 shit has really hit the fan big time.

CH01 - Fun little romp
CH02 - Fun little romp that turns sideways.
CH03 - The romp isn't that fun anymore, but they're keeping their spirits up.
CH04 - They find a little light in the ever creeping darkness, it is soon smothered.
CH05 - Everything turned to shit and now they'll crawl their way back out of it.

Anyway, read Trespasser, Chapter 2 will update soon :slight_smile:

Hawk and Flo Adventures! originally had a story before Ice Cream Truck of Doom called the Last Space Wizard which was a prequel that explained the world of Twistverse that the main characters reside in.

Ice Cream Truck of Doom was always envisioned as episode 2 but due to the fact Last Space Wizard failed it had to essentially become storyline 1 and storyline 2. ICTOD's main goal was to flesh out the characters more, give Hawk and Flo an origin story and introduce Lacey Almer properly. Later storylines have Monk playing a more proactive role.

Twistjam was initially a season 2 episode but I brought it forward because a lot of my friends wanted to do a crossover comic with mine. Aliens invade and the heroes get challenged to a Basketball game for the fate of the galaxy. :smiley:

After TwistJam is 'We come in Theatres' arguably the best story in the entire series.

It is then followed by Into the Space Jungle. IMHO it's the best Hawk and Flo Adventure in the entire series.

After that we get then 'The Aliens Invaded' where the villains fake an alien invasion in order to disguise a real one. When I ran it by test audiences a lot of people named it their favourite one.

Then there's My Worst Fear which is about the heroes having to confront their biggest fears. It's my friend in real life quotes it to this very day.

There's That Sinking Feeling which is where the heroes have to fight a Mutant shark, the episode primarily parodies rubbish shark movies.

Then there's Invasion Day which is where the Evilion Army's entire forces try to invade the Galaxy.

That's just season 1 though, there's Loads and Loads of Hawk and Flo Adventure stories. Which I look forward to sharing with you all! :smiley:

I try to avoid heavy lore accumulation to a specific section
Episodes 0-2 -contains bits of lore through environment, overhearing others' conversations and witnessing their actions (I'm a fan of games like Little Nightmares where viewers can make theories about the lore based on what they see, the comic, although action based, is heavily influenced by Horror-Mystery)

The upcoming, 2nd half of Episode 3 (Episode 31 on Tapas, episodes split in small parts)
The viewers through the eyes of the MCs gather a somewhat 'concrete sounding clarification' of the 'lore'. The MCs only make assumptions, this 'clarification' might be false and nothing is guaranteed until the final episode.

Chapter 1: Scary car chase as Daecon is trying to escape from some violent homophobes
Chapter 2: Wings appear on Daecon's back, saving his life. A mysterious golden eagle joins him as he's gliding
Chapter 3: Eagle Shapeshifts into a bear and drags Daecon to shore
Chapters 4-6: The lore begins. The bear shifts into a human and explains to Daecon what he is (a Shapeshifter) and starts to explain the ins & outs of Shapeshifter society
Chapters 7-13: Some stuff happens, hints are dropped as to Daecon's true nature
Chapter 14: Those hints are discussed openly. More lore is revealed. There is more to Daecon than anyone, including Daecon himself, knew.
Chapter 15-17: More stuff happens. Some of the characters start showing feelings for each other (Daecon and Evander, I'm looking at you).
Chapters 18-22: The grand-daddy, bull-goose, gold-medal winner of surprises awaits Daecon, and much more lore is dropped. Daecon does not take the news well
Chapter 23: Things really start to happen. This is the latest published chapter (but another will be posted tomorrow AM!) so I'm not going to do spoilers.

Funny how you say that. I just finished my first story arc and had bits of lore sprinkled in, but with arc 2 in the works the lore is going to get heavier. Even though my story is a comedy, there's going to be a bunch of world shaping events that my characters get involved with and naturally get involved with the story of the world.

I dunno, it kind of feels like that's how many fantasy stories end up. Check it out for yourself:

I would say in my comics the lore just builds. There is no point where it kicks in. The whole point of most of the narrative is being a fish out of water for Gavin and learning about the world. He represents the reader, so you as the reader finds out about it as he does.

I’d have to agree with the other commenters that my lore doesn’t really “kick in”, it’s more or less sprinkled throughout the whole story and spread through every episodes. The only lore I tell is what is necessary to understand the story up to that point!

That meme reminds me very much of shows like The Owl House. Season one was Luz having fun and exploring the demon realm, and then season two was chuck full of lore.

Lore? My entire story IS the lore.

Half of my characters have already been messed up by The Lore TM and it's only a matter of time before the rest are. I can't wait for people to see it all.

I love when stories do this sort of thing. I haven't published anything long form yet, but in a story I am planning the story slowly fans outward making a series of reveals leading to the conclusion that an isekai the main character inhabits is actually the future.

  • Chp 1: get to know the character and motives.
  • Chp 2: understand how death works.
  • Chp 3: build a deeper conection bewteen the protagonists.
  • Chp 4: see the interior of Henry's house and how he works.
  • Chp 5: stablish the concept of heroes and how they're seen.
  • Chp 6: introducing more characters for the future and help Larry to build confidence.
  • Chp 7: truth revealed, Henry reveals a big secret he's been keeping from Larry.
  • Chp 8: Larry comes to understand Henry, but questions his porpuse on his quest.
  • Chp 9: they reach the ending, but a twist unforseen comes to light, and darkness rise.
  • Chp 10: Henry and Larry, after all the months they spent together, work as one to win the final challenge ahead of them, so that Larry can go back home.

I feel like I'm a little ahead of myself here, but mine is kinda sprinkled about my first--season? chapter? I actually don't know what the heck to call it right now cause it's introducing characters, motivations(sorta), and some random funny bits that kinda weave in and out of a sequence.
But I think the lore will actually hit with this upcoming episode, "Marek", where my character actually learns about some secret knowledge of the coop. Also will explain why I included humans in the story. Never planned it in my original outline, but I feel it will help encompass what the overall arc is about, or will be...

I don't know how to link the comic yet, still wanting to correct some embaressing drawings before I start promoting everywhere, but if anyone can stomach the first, like, 24 eps (they're short, cause I'm still learning about formatting), then, maybe you'll start seeing a pattern appearing, like my MC does in this snippet:

The comic's called Friar Chicken, if it looks even remotely interesting.

This episode will be out next Saturday (Aug 12th/19th - it's a two-parter) chock full of sooth-saying, absurd denial, and (hopefully) animated lightning bugs!

Okay, that's my first, flaccid attempt at promoting. Sorry if I'm oversharing. Hoping to introduce more and more lore as my story (and artstyle) builds up.
Thanks for reading!

The real serialized story in The Action Fruit Society didn’t start until episode 15 in season 1. That’s the episode where TAFS gets their asses handed to by their arch nemesis Destructo.

There's gonna be hints leading up to it, but I'm currently expecting the other shoe to drop in chapter 8. Looking forward to it!