52 / 148
Dec 2015

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt and Watamote

That Panty and Stocking ending needs an explanation and Watamote just needs to be continued.

I'd love to have another season of Cowboy Bebop (preferably with the same team) but I want Spike to be in it too.

While I agree with what most of the other people have listed here , like Magi, Baccano , PASWG and Akatsuki no Yona. I really really painfully want to see a second season of Kekkai Sensen / Battle Blockade Battlefront. The anime skips on a lot of details from the manga in favor of their anime original characters and plot, which I have nothing against, but ugh, I just want more of this amazing series.

Gatchaman Crowds THIRD season?
If not, Anohana would be nice
I mean the movie's great and all

I'd love to see Soul Eater get the FMA Brotherhood treatment. A continuation from where the original show deviated from the manga. That said, I love the original regardless.

I agree with Baccano! needing another season. I really want to see Firo and Ladd in prison together animated XD Also Skip Beat, and Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. Really most Shoujo manga to anime adaptions in general! For some reason no matter how well they do they still don't get second seasons!! >:(

Monochrome Factor. Though I personally preferred the manga, it was nice seeing the characters I was use to in mildly more serious situations having nothing but funny episodes. Even if not more monochrome factor, take any of Sorano Kaili's other series and just make a comedic anime out of it. I'd watch it at least.

One Piece definitely deserves another season, amiright? But in all seriousness idk, maybe Gurren Lgann? Id love to see another season of that awesomeness. Although the ending was pretty complete.

Michiko to hatchin is all I'm going to say. Maybe petite princess yuri aswell cause good high school memories

16 days later

I agree, we need more Nichijou. It's one of the few anime series where I actually laughed out loud.

Definitely Sekirei but its a harem Anime so we most likely will never get another season. Also Absolute Duo

Truth right here lmao. Definitely Kekkai Sensen! It's such a fun show filled with insane characters and also that jazz ost is to die for.
Also Panty and Stocking needs a second season because that ending ruined christmas.

I really, really want Hataraku Maou-sama! (a.k.a The Devil is A Part-Timer) to have another season. ;;w;; It's like one of the very few anime I can watch repeatedly and not get bored. I love the premise, I like the humour, and the characters are really likable. It's really fun to watch but why do I get the feeling that it's not that popular? ;;w;;

Also, like many others, I would also love another season of Baccano! ;3;