9 / 12
Aug 2021

Which version do you guys like more. It's for a high fantasy story that revolves around a gay character that's also a medieval hunter. I wanted it to appeal to more than just the LGBT crowd because it's not just a gay story. There's a lot of action, magic, and adventure as well. The romantic plots are important but there's so much more to it than that. I felt like the first cover definitely got some of the story points across, but then I thought the second cover might have been better because the ambiguity might attract more people (especially an older crowd). Let me know which one you prefer, and why.

Oh and if you want to check out the actual story

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    Aug '21
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    Aug '21
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Personally, the one the left looks more appealing to me. While I understand your reservations, at least for Tapas, I think it'll attract a lot more people than the one on the right. The one on the right doesn't really give much to work with, personally.

(But then again, I don't read a whole lot of fantasy, so I could be completely off here.)

Tapas is primarily young readers normally coming here for web comics a very visual medium. Thus the first one is more appealing in attracting readers. Its more visual. Provides the readers an idea what the MC looks like and is really... just more interesting to me personally

the second just looks like any generic novel I can find in a books store. That's not what most web novel readers come for.

Yeah it is a novel. But now that you bring it up, I wouldn't mind making this a comic eventually, but that would probably be down the line.

I know I'm gonna be contrary, but since it's a novel, I prefer the one on the right. I usually like being able to make conclusions on what the main character looks like by reading their description when I'm reading a novel, not necessarily by what's depicted on the cover. If it was a comic, then the one on the left though.

Frist cover does look like it would attract a younger audience because of all the colours I feel.
The second does look like it's aimed more at an adult audience indeed.

I will add that the character on the first cover suggests magic and fantasy, but the second cover feels more generic in the sense that, to me personally, nothing says high fantasy when I look at it. As far as I can tell that book could be any number of genres and I would have to click on it (or pick it up) and read the back to find out more before I decide.

It all comes down to what your target audience is, and what readers you are trying to attract. If you want the older audience because that's who your story is for then the second cover would probably work best. If you are after a young adult audience then the first cover would work best, and it also has the extra advantage of (at least in my view) hinting what the story genre is.

The left one is the eye-catcher. The right one seems less lively and kind of gives me grim vibes like that is potentially how the story will be. I especially like the blue glow of the eyes on your character.

The one on the left. Though I personally dislike covers that are just... like... mood photo? I'm sorry I'm not sure the word. Covers that are of a city, or house, area or whatever I wouldn't count as that, I mean just... close up of an object, like an apple, or a eye, or something like that. I don't like them and as much as I hate doing the 'don't just a book by it's cover' I am skipping it cause the cover was that disinteresting.

I do like how the title is looking on the second though.

Alright I think I get everyone's general idea lol but I wasn't expecting it to be such a definitive win for one over the other.

the one on the left looks more professional, but the one on the right looks more like something someone would reed on tapas. I think you maybe could try a new composition with the character pic