58 / 73
Jan 2023

Absolutely. Get Hiroyuki Imaishii on board and we've got a sure fire masterpeice of a neon colored sugar rush to be made!

Hey! It could be about a cougar and her 20-30 year old boyfriend whom she calls a boy because he's half her age.

Ah, of course. Didn't think of that way. I probably shouldn't jump to the inappropriate conclusion first.
Ahhh, silly me. xD

Does this just mean you can’t have kiss scenes, dialogue or your title have the word kiss in it or what? Cause I love to draw kissing!

Unlikely cus that would mean alot of thier manditory kakoe translated imports would be shadow banned. Kakoe overloards would not be pleased

In all seriousness

It just in the title.

Which is.. ridiculous. Cus your series can have alpt more than kissing but as soon as its a title its off.

No sense.

All the crackdowns on Tapas and Webtoon really bother me lately. I get wanting to be safe for kids, but some of the rules are ridiculous. And honestly, just have an adult section that allows some sort of verification process or whatever for adult content. Who gives a crap if people want to fap/draw/whatever some hentai. Or enjoy some Berserk-level violence/gore.


I've been posting on Global Comix recently since they don't have such restrictions and it's making me nervous to stick with Tapas and Webtoon (which I do still post on, but with less dedication). My webcomic doesn't even have what I'd call adult content, but it does have enough violence that one of these days, I'll probably get in trouble. God forbid a wee bit too much blood in a fight scene.

And who knows, maybe one day I'll want a sex scene in a romance story, because sex CAN be a solid and important part of a plot. It can also be done tastefully. But I don't like being restricted, either way.

Well, there is an adult section here on tapas, it's just not for us free-to-read plebeians...

Joanne already clarified that it's fine to have the word "kiss" in the actual comic or novel, and to have images of kissing, but just apparently not have the word Kiss in titles.

feels like one step forward with banning AI and then two steps back with banning "Kiss" XD

Anyway, I'm sure they'll bring it back, there's just no way this will be permanent. People's entire brands are decorated with their titles, and some people have been publishing their stories for years. They wouldn't change their title now over something this stupid.

I tried to search the word Kiss and nothing appeared.
This morning when I opened the app I got a message "you got restricted because app controls found me underaged", but I thought it was related to surveys (which I tried and I could access, since I'm not under aged).

Are they working on another wave of shadowbans?

I do keep getting that "You can't access the offer wall because the owner of this device has been flagged underage" message when opening the app. I figured that one was some sort of glitch with the ink/offer wall system. It doesn't seem related to these shadowbans. I can still view mature works, go on the offerwall and ink shop, and my phone being flagged as underage for the offerwall specifically, but not other devices using my account, doesn't seem related to a possibility of my work being flagged.
Also I'm on the bonus program, so I'm pretty sure if Tapas needed me to mark my work mature, censor it or were going to shadowban it, they'd probably email me?

I'm looking SO FORWARD to Global Comix's improvements their CEO said they would be implementing this year. Seriously, I'm fed of these big korean corps trying to shove their rules into our western throats.

They're doing all they can to sabotage these adult comics. Korean authors complain all the time and say the treatment they get make Lezhin look like a red carpet.

Oh, didn't know about that - I'm not really paying much attention to this section - when it comes to paid 18+ bl works I prefer what the manga publishing industry here in Poland has to offer

A top ranking novelist in the bonus program was shadowbanned until they themselves brought up the issue with Tapas, so I wouldn't count on it.

Yeah, same. It seems like a pretty solid place, I just hope it stays that way and they don't loose sight. Money does funny things to good, smaller businesses.

And I'll also agree any adult content has been relatively butchered with all the expectations and with how absolutely vague the TOS is. It leaves a hell of a lot up for the moderators' personal interpretations and that has a history of causing problems.

I just don't understand how adult content is so taboo in this day and age.

True, I have heard some horror stories about works being shadowbanned first and then not told about why until they asked, and only then being given a massive laundry list of things to censor, only for the response to be really slow on approving the comic to be visible again...

Which does make me doubt the wisdom of insisting on having all the Tapas staff in the California timezone. Like... do they really need to be in an office together? I was waiting something like 10 hours for some kind of response on this issue, and it makes email back and forths extremely slow, and means all planning needs to be done waaaay in advance, leading to the hilarious scenario my partner pointed out a day or two ago, where Kiss it Better is simultaneously shadowbanned and featured, which likely happened because features are planned months in advance.

I'd like to hope that since my series isn't even marked mature, that they'd at least just contact me to mark a specific page mature; it'd take a pretty strong ramp up in the sort of content in there for me to expect to need censorship. I can't know for sure they would... I just can't imagine any of the content being objectionable enough for it to happen... or like... if the content in Errant was ever deemed bad enough to warrant censorship, I'd probably be more worried about getting arrested for being gay, because that's the kind of situation we'd need to have devolved to. We'd literally need to reach a point where just having queer characters is enough...and I really hope that's never a thing.

haha, the timezone made no difference for me, I'm in california and I had to wait like 2 full days for a response to a copyright flag issue, and my comic was down that entire time RIP. I think they just don't have a ton of people on staff to answer these types of questions.

1 month later

closed Mar 1, '23

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