13 / 21
Mar 2022

I personaly don't find it nsfw.
I mean, you can try and if you don't get any warniing keep going.

I think it depends, like it is hard to say unless you give examples.

I was able to get away with this, maybe because the parody is obvious IDK

EDIT: I never posted this to Webtoons, so I can't really speak for that site

Alot of anime thinks if you remove the nipple, it's not nude. SO ... maybe?
No game No life had a hilraiously ridiculous eps. where they were playing this whatever you say happens game, and the mc wished all the naughty parts were gone, then made the girls nude. And I guess That was fine! lol.
I don't think you'll get away with on webtoon tho.

You could just give them magic sparkles around those parts, or leaves, or something, it's your comic, they don't HAVE to be nude. You can change your ideas, and to get it on webtoon, it's probably worth it.

Go ahead and upload it on Tapas! I think it should be fine. But if I'm wrong, Tapas will simply contact you to amend the images. It's not like you'll be banned for it.

Thanks a lot! I agree with you, they certainly don't HAVE to be nude, I guess I'm just so used to drawing and imagining them like this, but I think I could get used to it if I made some cool outfits. I know how rigid Webtoon is, that's why I only wanted to post it on tapas hehehe... Either way, I'm gonna find a solution to this! And thanks once again!

np i went through a similar issue, trying to figure out the right balance between sfw nsfw.. what is acceptable. =/. good luck!

I've seen that pass on Tapas before (because it was non-sexual and because it absolutely made sense in the context, and was still covered up by like hair and stuff), but on WT probably never.

I don't think there's a problem, at least from the waist up. 🤣🤣🤣

But seriously, I've read comics that show ocs with nipples, here on Tapas and as far as I know they haven't been censored yet.

We're all likely guessing unless we're Tapas staff. Probably depends on who gets to "make the call" & what the context was.

lol, from experience, possibly. Tapas can ban your comic from the app and then not tell you.

My comic Puppeteer4 has some nudity. It's not at all sexual or graphic.


Anyways, yeah my comic was removed from the app, and I didn't realize. It was still up on desktop as normal. I only found out months later when a friend tried to read it, and couldn't.

I emailed them and they put it back up, but then a month later it was removed again. I emailed again asking why, and they never responded. It's still removed from the app currently.

I noticed that after it was removed, new subscribers pretty much stopped completely save for some I got from some Community Picks features.

Interestingly Webtoons has had no issue with my comic even though it's more popular there and even has ad rev.

So, something for you to consider. And for anyone else reading this, go check to make sure your comic is still on the app. You need to log out first because removed comics are still visible to the author and people who subscribed before. It just prevents new people from finding and reading a thing.

I was never contacted when my comic was removed from the app : (
Only found out months later by someone else telling me

Thank you for this tip about the log-off checking. It's something I probably need!
I think Tapas also checks if there's clear breast lines/silhouettes (topless) & butt cracks. (maybe also large crotch bulges but I'm not sure)

What about graphic violence? I literally have a demon getting decapitated on an issue (imagine a dragonball super art style), but the episode is still on.

Is the chapter safe if you put a 'mature' tag?

Well,... honestly it seems a bit unfair as I said before I have seen comics with ocs without anything to cover them or a cloud or something like that and they are still available..... I protest :triumph:

Considering people who were unfortunate enough to have been born without nipples (a condition called Nipless), in all sensitivity, we should consider it nude. They're either dressed or they aren't. But hey, there's always body paint. Maybe it's on really thick?

Wow, it really is strange since Tapas is known for being less strict than Webtoons. I'll definitely consider this now, that was very helpful. Thank you, and I wish you the best with your comic and future works!

I'm sorry that happened to you! Depending on when that occurred it's possible some series were accidentally missed during whatever procedure staff used when combing through content to notify the creators.

Currently every update is manually reviewed so hopefully the procedure to contact creators to amend pages is more streamlined.

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closed Apr 15, '22

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