20 / 25
Jun 2024

I find it fun to write characters who seem kind of ambiverted and are more reserved or excitable depending on context, who they're around and such. My best example of this is probably my character Cocoa Giang, who has a tendency to be very quiet, and almost shy seeming, but when someone makes her smile or get interested in something, than she's suddenly the loudest bubbliest girl under the sun.

18 days later
21 days later

Christopher is so introverted he literally went 6 weeks before having a conversation with the girl who moved into his house. It's a wonder how much longer he would have gone if no one had said anything lol. He has more interesting adventures in his own head than he'd probably have talking about huckleberries and wildflowers right?

19 days later

Therese George is an unusual breed of introvert I'm enjoying writing, because she seems very extroverted, but is able to pull that off because she spends most of her days home alone and only really interacts with anyone at the beginning and end of every day. otherwise, she has the silence and comfort of her flowers and her own thoughts for hours.

Her motto is basically "I'm not an at-home mom because I'm not qualified to work any other job. I'm an at home mom because I'm an introvert and I've found the best loop-hole of all time."

19 days later

Cocoa is generally pretty shy, though it's hard to tell around her big brother and sister, because she's comfortable around them, she's not super duper talkative usually, and often has a tendency to get lost in a group if people don't make an effort to include her.

However, with her siblings...:

“You know, we don’t even know what this chick looks like. Is she pretty?” she mumbles the last question as the cigarette has made its way into her mouth.

“Of course she’s pretty,” I smile a little uncomfortably.

Maybe if I talk about myself…

“Yeah, Honey! How dare you insinuate that Dominic would date a girl for her personality,” Cocoa scolds her, “Go on bro.”

…She’ll laugh at someone other than herself.

“Cocoa, that's not...defending me,” I frown a little, pretending to be more annoyed than I am.