5 / 8
May 2019

Soo I've been doing the possible to improve my skills (I'm aiming to go for comissions and going back to do my comic4).

It's a long way, right now I'm doing manequization and getting in hand with shadows and coloring. What do you think? Am I good enough to go pro? also. Based on what I've shown how else could I improve my skills?

  • Still have to improve anatomy. (I'm working on this one, have lots of books and watch proko every now and then)
  • My Backgrounds sucks.
  • I'm not happy with my coloring at all.

If you only will say, keep practicing please then don't comment xD, practice with no direction is a waste of energy :DD IMO

  • created

    May '19
  • last reply

    May '19
  • 7


  • 1.1k


  • 3


  • 30


  • 8


Just a quick note that I lowered your color saturation because the colours were too bold and hurt my eyes because you combined MANY bold colours together, when you should actually balance your colours so you have bold parts, and greyer parts. Please click the image to enlarge or [right click] [open img in new tab]

Avoid overblending your shadows. It's safer to have sharper shadows than too soft.

Here's another edit with notes on what I changed so you learn about improving your backgrounds.

Proper lighting and shapes can make a big difference! I didn't redraw your art at all this time except for the background.

To understand contrast and balance of shadows better, try practicing Grisaille technique. You paint the whole thing in monotone first, and add colour after.

Dude I am in awe at the amount of time and energy you put into this critique. Two thumbs up from me, and I agree with everything you said, especially about the bright, clashing colors.

I would like to add that OP's shading is unrealistic- they just kind of darken the edges of objects, and don't really seem to pay attention to where a the light source is. The lighting is also very soft, and looks the same in all the colored paintings. They could also stand to use some subtle contrasting hues in their shading instead of using darker versions of the base color.

Also, the posing is almost exactly the same in all the drawings: Straight on, 3/4 view, upright posture in all drawings. It all looks very stiff. Maybe try drawing people in different poses: slouching, twisted around, from above or below, from behind and with foreshortening.

Some good things I noticed:
The paintings all avoid same-face very well. All the characters look like individual people, and not like a face template the artist has memorized, which is a very common problem I see even in artists with very good technical skills.
The last drawing has much better colors than the others. The subtler colors and the contrasting red and blues make the painting seem like there was just more thought put into the color choices than in the other two.
I actually think Kimoisempai's edit of this piece looks a bit worse than the original for this reason. The dark shading and the bright green they added mess with pastel, limited color scheme of the original, and destroy that flat, traditional Japanese artwork look I think the original author was going for.

I agree with everything you say, and actually I apply the Grisaille in my illustrations (except on that one with the blonde) also I do watch speed paints for exactly that purpose, but I focus more on the painting technique rather than in the colour palettes. Thanks a lot for your time :DDD very apreciated. I'll definetly will try to make sharper shadows!

It breaks my heart the poses looked stiff :,C I've been practice like crazy gesture to avoid exactly this same thing. For the shading I've used a dark red in most of the colored illustrations and then change the blending mode to multiply.

concerning to faces I'm glad to hear that :DDD, I think the artist that often have those issues are the ones that tend to keep with a manga style. I've studied a lot the facial features (not enough though)

And I believe the changes Kimoisempai did were to point how to enhance backgrounds. In that piece I was looking for an epic fantasy oilpainting style, but that's still way faaaar above my current skills (nevertheless gotta try and fail to get closer to that goal)

ppl thanks a lot for your time, excuse me if seems I got a little bit defensive it's like a reaction but take for sure those critiques has been very well received, sparked few questions and made realizations, thanks a lot!